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Drop the dead donkey

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Everything posted by Drop the dead donkey

  1. I wonder why they were so hell bent on protecting what they had. Must be a scam call centre relocated to Thailand.
  2. I think the only way he was caught, was by her phone still being on and she had the iPhone tracker ‘Where is my phone’ on and they found him. This was just a basic gps find. Not a relentless search by the police. Over glorification by the police and press has made this into another BS story. However, a good ending.
  3. There is always; Thailand is the hub for Thai people. That hasn’t been used yet 🤣
  4. It is typical of Thailand to do something after the horse has bolted. I just sit and read the incompetence of everything Thai. For me, I always get a chuckle, just by reading the news weekly. You don’t need to read weird news on Reuters anymore. Just follow Thailand’s daily antics. 😀😀👌👌👌
  5. Just wishing a speedy recovery and hope the coma is short lived.
  6. Yes. The country borders them. But getting to Thailand would be a little harder by plane.
  7. This only proves that Thailand’s politicians know diddly squat. How does he, or his staff not know there is an international warrant out for War Crimes against Putin. Also, Putin will now never leave Russia in fear (Russian trait that everybody is out to get them) of his plane being shot down.
  8. The reporter missed off the zero. 90th out of 87. that’s more like it. ????????????
  9. This post has received 12 pages of replies. to be honest with you, it is just bait journalism. Who cares about other people’s lives to this extent. I read the first page, and realise that the bait has been taken.
  10. Thailand is only to blame with this influx. They have let the 1000’s into the country, let them buy property, let them set up businesses, let them all stay in the same place/area. So this is a government issue, and must be sorted out by them also.
  11. I see a lot of topic posts speaking about fire and insurance claims. 1st, most people that have individual businesses may have been insured. But due to the last 3 years of non income with Covid, I doubt many were. 2nd, if people were insured, they would not have ALL been insured by the same company for a mass payout. 3rd, those that were closed and run down due to Covid would not get a penny as a non trading (and non insured) property 4th, this site with so many erudite expats seem to know all the answers all the time. But they never give their real names, their real occupations (now or past), to back up and verify their claims. 5th, most people here are retired and have nothing else better to do than drink a beer and slag off any news ASEAN posts. 6th, Grow up boys and girls. Post some real genuine responses to the news, and stop bitching between yourselves about who is better than the other, who has more retirement money than the other, and basically who can keep their pecker up anymore !!!
  12. TAT has been trying so hard to entice and bring in HISO tourist and tourism. Can you imagine a millionaire standing with his family wanting to ride in a private speed boat. Watching all this ado going on. Well that just proves the point, Thailand is not ready to welcome rich tourists yet! And to be honest with you, as long as greed runs rife in the Buddhist culture, it never will.
  13. He is the creator of SHIkea.com ‘SECOND HAND IKEA’ ????????
  14. Another prophetic statement of imagination. The seer of TAT is at it again. They all went off to the temple with some offerings, and the fire spewed out a number. thirty mirrion.. wuick terr the pwess we have a new number. Also buy a lotterwy ticket.
  15. He would have been detained and questioned when he arrived back in China. China does not want and will not tolerate their citizens causing national news items in foreign countries. I do suspect the Chinese would have charged him with my experience of the CCP. I expect he is now banged up and awaiting sentence for disrespecting the CCP abroad.
  16. TAT have just realised what the decreased percentage button means on their golden tourist prediction calculator, that they have on their desk.
  17. Niger. the west is now sending a message to Thailand. They are sending a coup d’etat. western governments are using Niger as a big wake up to Thailand’s un democratic rules and laws that seem to be happening.
  18. It is very simple. Two thirds of the electorate voted for Move Forward. They are the rightful governing body. Nothing else that this debacle is continuing can change that fact. The people voted and the people elected. The continuing mess in parliament is designed to be dragged out and people to get tired of the whole process. This in turn will quell uprisings. It is a very clever move by the controlling elite Junta.
  19. There is a massive difference between overstayers and illegal aliens. Therefore, they have a long way to go with collecting all the entry cards. Also, they have a long way to go to rid the country of illegal aliens too.
  20. 14,million Baht for corruption vs 8000 Baht for an overstay. prorities lay in the wrong place.. But hey Thailand has its head up its donkey mule
  21. Shouldn’t it be called ’Accommodation for white tourist project’ i honestly think that this is an open racist and xenophobic statement targeting WHITE people. I am shocked that the government is stating this to the world’s media.
  22. He just come back from worshipping the penis and vagina at the other Issan temple that is in todays news.
  23. I need new glasses. These vaginas are fuzzy !
  24. I hope that if the military government instill power again and go against the public vote; international sanctions are dealt to Thailands export/import trade. I hope it makes the government suffer with their income GDP. I hope that the international community make Thailand a pariah state in south east Asia and start trading with other countries in a larger scale, dropping back and stopping investment.
  25. More crazy Thailand laws. ’Touch a fish, and go to jail.’ wow, I am never going to a seafood restaurant again in Thailand !
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