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Posts posted by Khyron

  1. I have wondered about this exact scenario; but my wife is a few years older than me. I believe the Will and Usufruct is probably the way to go. 

    The most difficult thing we are facing is who to put in the will to own the land if my wife goes before me.


    Her brothers and sister we trust 100% (I've known them for more than 30 years, never ask for a dime) but they may go early as well, the nieces and nephews we mostly trust, but you never know.


    What I would like to know is, if the land goes into their name, the house is in mine with an Usufruct, what is to stop them from getting a loan on the land and not paying it? Is that possible?


    Sorry If I hijacked the thread, but I think it is a pertinent question for the OP.



  2. I read that the reason the EV sales are down so much in the EU and US is that the people who are going to buy an EV have already done so, and whatever sales are left are the stragglers to the EV market or the first owners getting new cars. 

    They won't be selling as much as when they first came out unless something totally different happens IE; 1000 mile battery, price drop, etc.


    Asia still has alot of customers left, but eventually the same thing will happen. 

    I think the ORA is a really good looking vehicle, and the quality isn't bad for the price point.

  3. Wow, time flies. I thought it was a year or so ago, but 3 years ago?


    I just remembered there were some weird details concerning missing cash and such, forgot that there was a scuffle with the cops.


    Sounds like nothing came of it, tea money passed around?


    Thanks for the replies.

  4. 4 hours ago, Yagoda said:

    In my personal ratings, Thai is at the bottom near Southwest and Jetblue.


    But those two daily flights to Frankfurt? 11 hours direct? Priceless for me. Get off the plane, get a room, go to an FKK, then next morning 9 hours to the USA via Iceland Air (loads of hot blondes there)

    Oh come on now, why insult Southwest by comparing them to Thai. I always know what I am getting by flying SWA, 2 free pieces of luggage, never been disappointed by them. Thai, on the other hand...

  5. The US and UK tried to stop the newly formed IDF from defending itself after WW2. The IDF had purchased several types of fighters, mostly Spitfires, P51's and ME-109's and flew them to Israel. They had to dodge the allies from stopping the flights from Czechoslovakia. There were a few Americans who helped Israel procure the airplanes, I believe they lost their citizenship.


    This current conflict has no cut and dried good vs bad. Israel has been stepping on the Arabs in their territories for a very long time, and the Arabs in the region have also not tried to get along with Israel. It looked like they may have been a start during the 90's with Arafat and Rabin, but Rabin was killed before any good came from it. 


    Any successful peoples in history have always had a give and take to maintain the peace, All sides in this conflict are doing neither, so this will go on for a while, unfortunately.  


    Iran hoped this attack would inflame the other middle east countries, it was met with ambivalence from most, and a few big players (Jordan, Saudi Arabia) actually shot down some of the drones that flew over their countries. 


    Iran should let Hamas make their own bed in this one. Maybe with Hamas out of the picture, the Palestinians can actually be a successful people, I work with more than a few Muslims, and a couple of Palestinians, really wonderful people who don't want a conflict with anyone, they just want to get along with everybody.

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  6. Maybe in certain neighborhoods, but overall the median home prices are $450-550k.

    TBH, I hope the home prices stay or even go up. I purchased in 2010 when the homes were being given away almost.

    I don't owe much anymore and hope to retire next year. Fortunately, this won't be my main source of cash.

    Maybe that is being a greedy, I hope not.🙂

    I am curious to see how the Thai RD will view the home sale, as the profit isn't taxed until a certain number in the US, I will be under that threshold.

    So If I sell the house in the fall, and am not a Thai tax resident until the following year, I wonder if it will be subject to Thai tax at all? If I show it in savings, then they shouldn't touch it.

    I may talk to someone in the RD when we go back next year, I have heard the personnel are very helpful. 

    So many questions...

    Ca isn't the same as it was 30+ years ago, most people are not that optimistic unfortunately.



  7. My Wife supported Trump the first time (She is a fairly right wing Isaan Woman) Now she won't vote for him, he just won't stop yapping. I am not sure who she will go for though, she vehemently hates Biden, Harris and Newsome (Gov of California). 

    I am a mildly right leaning centrist, both sides have some good and bad points.


    I don't have the heart to tell her that the MFP who she whole heartedly supports and liberal Democrats are not that far off, and the previous government in charge was essentially right wingers.


    Most Thais here are right wing Republicans for whatever reason, but support liberal governments in Thailand. I don't think they understand the difference.

    The free, up to 4th grade education that was offered in Thailand 50 years ago would be one of the reasons.

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  8. The last Monk I trusted was the Abbot in our local temple. He had been there for 45+ years. Super humble guy, went to other temples in different provinces to help out. Wasn't interested in fundraising, just good works. Died a few years ago and the place hasn't been the same since.


    Several stories in the states of corruption by monks gone wild with donations.


    What I tell my wife is, I don't trust a long time monk who looks well fed, fat. 

    I don't get the shysters who have someone drive them around the country looking for "donations" for their temple from well off old ladies. Maybe I am missing something here?

  9. 4 hours ago, BE88 said:


    But it is certain that you should prove it with a document showing that you have paid the tax in your country and if it is not in English with an official translation paid for by you as was said in the video.


    Good luck with the Thai revenue department deciphering a US 1040 long form, It won't be a simple document saying I paid taxes or not. Hopefully when I retire, we will only have to file a 1040EZ, a single page document.


    My big question is how they are going to determine prior savings that have been taxed throughout the years vs actual income after I retire when monies are sent to Thai banks. The money I will have when I sell my house is considered tax free in California and the US. I figure If I receive that money at the end of one year, then stay in LOS beginning in another year, I won't have to declare it, does that sound correct?


    Do other countries have similar tax preparation? Or is the US alone in overly complicated yearly tax declaration?


    Thanks for any and all replies.

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  10. I've been flying with EVA for 30 years, they have continued to impress. The only thing I have a slight issue with is the seating on the 777. For some reason the seats on some 777 is 333, and others is 343. Obviously the 333 is noticeably more comfortable, but I would like them to do all the planes this way, right now its a crapshoot. Thai will never be up to the standards of EVA. 

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