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  1. Next time cover the floor with a sheet of plastic and have a hammer and bone saw prominently displayed. Tell her to lie on the plastic because you want to give her a massage first. It was a great icebreaker on first dates back home.
  2. Impulse control doesn't appear to the the Thais' strong suit. Lovely folk until you cross an invisible line. Where does the rage come from?
  3. Plenty of time yet. The judge always goes easy on women. The boy's family will see those scars and remember.
  4. Cue the thought police with the fashionable Tony Blair-esque slogans. British is a nationality, not a race. Ergo my comment could be labeled as nationalist. We're all home sapiens my good man. The same race. Enoch was right.
  5. A coward? No, just a man with common sense and who probably has nothing against Ukrainians. Pattaya and Phuket are teaming with young Russian families where the father is avoiding the risk of being drafted. The condo I'm in is packed with them. The women look spectacular in bikinis.
  6. Right on pops! Must be the tea made from the genitals of endangered species that gives him big power.
  7. A good, old stock British name. I bet they threw the (comic) book at him.
  8. Maybe his son got tired of the drunken beatings and his father running around and making babies with half of the women in the village. Or maybe the son is the bad guy in this story. Up to the reader to decide.
  9. This word is the dead giveaway- globalist talking point. The rest of the article is best summed up as "same as it ever was".
  10. The best of times, when entire Thai families drank poison and died together because they had no money to buy food or pay the bills. Do you remember that? The stories were blocked and paramedics were threatened with prison sentences if they continued to report the stories to the media. Did you notice the lineups for food handouts? Cnut.
  11. Na, it's pneumonia. At least with the guys I knew who died from AIDS. I also know a guy who had a stroke after having his neck cracked by a chiropractor. His gf is an RN and got him to a hospital in time for treatment. He was messed up for months but eventually made a full recovery.
  12. No otherwise healthy person is hospitalized or dies from covid. The average number of life threatening comorbidities is over 4. The so called "vaccine" did nothing except blow up teenagers' hearts. What never was is finally over. What's the uptake of the new "vaccines" ? Stunned silence follows. The next big thing is bird flu, so you'll still have something to post about.
  13. At least she overcame that disorder. Many don't. I knew 2 geezers that "transitioned" in their 60s. One killed himself three years later after expressing deep regret about having his willy chopped off. We tried to tell him that the problem was between his ears, not his legs, to no avail.
  14. We don't get a say in that. I bet 30 pages of people thinking of ways the child could be supported and healed would yield some useful results.
  15. A measured response to my post. Sometimes people get hot headed and skim instead of reading.
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