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Everything posted by Vampyteuthis

  1. @all Thanks again. The school in Mexico is fine with the e-apostille version so looking good.
  2. Thanks for your comments and advice. Think this is going to be a major pain the arse. If I am posting them to the UK, why not send the originals directly to the new job in Mexico? Seems like the same risk
  3. Hi there, I am a UK teacher at an international school in BKK. I have been offered a job in Mexico City starting July. They have asked that my educational qualifications be "apostille-ised" (similar to notarised as far as I can see) and sent via recorded courier to Mexico. The documents are all issued by UK institutions and I possess the original documents in Thailand. My understanding is hazy, at best. I have read that Thai documents cannot be Apostille-ised due to not being a signatory of a Hauge convention. Is this true for UK issued documents as well? If not I can probably find a service easily enough. If it is true for UK (i.e. non Thai docs.) then any suggestions for a work around? Thanks is advance V
  4. Hi all, thanks for the replys. Why do I want to know if it can be done at the airport? Lazines. Looks like we'll have to go to a printers tonight, I'm sure we could blag it if we tried but I can live without the anxiety. Hey ho :) Thanks again.
  5. Hi, thanks again. Yes, E-visa on phone. Would like to be sure the airline would help before taking a chance on it. It's Air Asia.
  6. Hi all I need to get a re entry permit from DMK tomorrow morning. Anyone experienced it there recently? Where is it? Any issues? Thanks in advance
  7. Hi all My partner needs a print service for a visa leaving from DMK. Is there a print services in the airport? We'll be there at 9am ish. Cheers
  8. Lol at the faux outrage. How is this different to Western governments? When did the UK last have a minister of education with any school experience? Happens in every ministry in every country. Thailand's new foreign minister is just as inexperienced but not seeing quite the same angst. Not saying Thai education is good, I'm a teacher here, but the choice of minister shouldn't make much difference in the big scheme of things.
  9. From your article: "Srettha made this comment in response to Bhumjaithai Party leader Anutin Charnvirakul’s declaration on Wednesday that his party would only join a coalition that agrees to support the marijuana and hemp bill sponsored by Bhumjaithai." This was in April
  10. I'm certain Anutins reward for being the second largest party in coalition 2 will be good will towards cannabis. For whatever reason it's all he and his party care about and I would not be surprised if they negotiated for having ministers in the posts that either enable the status quo or some mild tightening of laws preventing misuse. I.e it's great news for pro cannabis folk. Already seeing lot more concentrates being advertised.
  11. This forum is full of drama queens, nothing better to do with their time.
  12. Lot of over reaction on this topic. If you read what Pita has said over the last year or two nobody will be going to jail. Shops with licences won't close, recreation use will be like prostitution. Relisted cannabis as a narcotic is not the same as making all use illegal. Pita jas even said recreation use is in Thailand future but after it is regulated. I'm very pro cannabis, both medically and recreationally, and I'm not worried at all. Be patient my green friends ????????
  13. Funny, I never heard a single young person say let them die. Almost all of them sacrificed 2 years of their development so the weak could carry on moaning.
  14. I think it is very interesting that the other coalition members agree with what Pita is saying, very encouraging signs the regulations, which are needed, let's be honest, will pass through parliament without any real issue. I was really worried but what Pita said yesterday, on behalf of the coalition, is pretty much all we could have hoped for.
  15. Who cares what Chuwit is ranting about now. Without any real reason he tried to make the election a referendum on cannabis and Anutin's party got more seats! He clearly has no sway over the voters and now it seems the coalition. He'll find something new to rant about soon enough.
  16. https://www.nationthailand.com/thailand/politics/40027894 Looks like good news ????
  17. You know its possible to believe Thaskin deserves jail and be against the military coup that ousted him, bit nuanced I know but the reality is more complex that how you would read it from the comments on here.
  18. This comes to Indica Vs sativa. I have generalized anxiety disorder and find a Indica dominant hybrid or a straight Indica really helpful for anxiety. Sativa can make it much worse, however sativa can really help when I'm depressed and not necessarily anxious. Try a few Indica strains and see what works. Sits like Leafy will provide information on the likely effects of many strains.
  19. Depends what country OP came from, US and some EU countries wouldn't matter. Furthermore a volcano can be cleaned up and the smell sterilised. I think it would probably be OK, I brought too smaller vapes (Pax) with me when I emigrated, before any law change, and had no problem.
  20. Interesting question. Would also love to know what you could get from it.
  21. Unless you have saturated light at an industrial scale grow set up, carbon dioxide will never be a limiting factor. If my assumption that its smaller scale set up is correct, save your money.
  22. Thanks, where did you purchase the seeds?
  23. Right now the strain is less important than authenticaty but thanks very much for the suggestion for Royal Queen Seeds I followed that thread but nobody states whether original packaging are provided, as far as I can see.
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