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Everything posted by RabidRenu

  1. Thank you for your kind and considered response, a rare thing on this mucky forum of bored ol' stale try hard insensitive comedians.
  2. well, toddler (as mentioned) so not at school. So really food, clothing, utilities (home built and above middle class) so he doesn't need to pay rent, free sticky rice from the paddock.
  3. Food, milk, clothing, nappies, health - you know, the usual string length...
  4. What's the amount required per month to raise a toddler in North East Thailand?
  5. indeed, but complicated with a toddler involved
  6. I'm here just sizing all the comments up before attending to each...
  7. I guess the real question here is the old adage true; you can take the girl out of the bar, but not the bar (life) out of the girl
  8. ex ladybar now wife & mother still chats with ex 'john' client/customer; thoughts?
  9. Hi, forgive me if all of this has been covered, and forgive me for being lazy and yet still seeking the precise and best information and direction for this; Aussie man married to Isaan girl with little boy, village wedding only, boy registered with Thai hospital as me as the father wanting to visit OZ painlessly and also for me to have extended (non tourist) stays in Thailand. What do I need and which service provider covers the above with the least amount of pain and fees? Thanks
  10. Adelaide '1/2 an hour behind'
  11. Yes. The chief flying attendant lady on a recent AirAsia flight I took was frightening. Putting Whacko Jacko to shame, these ladies. At baggage collection, I was again assaulted with an array of undiscovered Picasso's.
  12. Hopped on the Google bandwagon during its infancy. People would marvel and ask how I could have my name @gmail address. I delighted in the amazing sign in features for heaps of web based services, and all for free! And then I wised up and degoogled myself. As a Mac user, I was similarly inclined to avail my entire personal info and history to another corporation and have also now de appled myself. It can be done, it's easy and it's lovely.
  13. Nope. Where would the water softener be added? In line or directly in the tank?
  14. Is there a special filter that removes I'm presuming clay or lime or calcium from the well water? And is it ridiculously expensive, and should we just clean the taps and basins all the god-damn time?
  15. I have a hunch he probably did deserve it... https://www.ourwatch.org.au/quick-facts/ On average, one woman a week is murdered by her current or former partner. In the year 2021/22, 5606 women (average of 15 women/day) were hospitalised due to family and domestic violence.
  16. can't go past Dyson, a little pricey but worth very penny
  17. kin oaf
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