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bob smith

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Everything posted by bob smith

  1. talking in riddles - the last refuge of a scoundrel. bob.
  2. They can't even get democracy right. bob.
  3. There is nothing even remotely 'normal' about Thai society. bob.
  4. ...so are you suggesting that, other than sleeping on the job and taking pictures with their phones, security guards in Thailand are also profiling women based on their appearance/dress sense?? bob.
  5. ....who said I pay taxes?? you are jumping the gun once again! bob.
  6. So it comes from MY pockets then, as I am the one who pays the annual communal fee, which in turn pays the security guards salary.. So they DO work for me. are you braindead or what? bob.
  7. so where does the money come from to pay their salaries? does the money come from the resident's pockets, the project developer's pockets or the security firm's pockets??? bob.
  8. That is just plain wrong! are you saying that the village developers pay their salaries?? you can't be that stupid, surely Frits?? bob.
  9. that was before I met mrs. smith. my exes didn't approve of my gallivanting as much.. bob.
  10. ...and on the ID card it states if they are a sex worker or not?? bob.
  11. ....where do I sign up??!! bob.
  12. that is genius! bonus points for bringing the mop and bucket. bob.
  13. the old 'we are just friends' line has always worked for me... bob.
  14. ....that's what tinted windows where made for!! bob.
  15. perhaps they should stop play gambling on phone and start saving up then? just a thought.. bob.
  16. is this what usually happens with very old estates? they no longer become secured projects and instead open up? bob.
  17. same with mine, in all of my properties. they seem like a complete waste of good money to me. bob.
  18. I don't. But as they are indirectly on my payroll I just want to know a bit more about how it works here. bob.
  19. fair enough.. bit difficult to rent out a property that is in the sticks though when you aren't using it. but yeah, next step is to buy a huge plot of land and erect a 15ft concrete wall around it. bob.
  20. won't it just be the same elsewhere? I have many properties in Thailand and they are crawlin with security guards lazing about on the job. bob.
  21. ....and who pays the jursitic salary?? me again? bob.
  22. so does the money that I earn/have saved go towards paying their salary? yes or no. bob.
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