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bob smith

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Everything posted by bob smith

  1. can we blame thais for what they do though?? that also seems to be something we cant do because they can't take any blame for anything!
  2. so true m8. makes you sick this place at times doesnt it, double standards constantly!
  3. crackdown will last maximum 3 months, 6 months if you include the residual nonsense stop and searches etc. Then it will be business as usual. police need to be seen to be taking action, of course they wont even attempt at getting to the root of the problem as that would require serious hard work, instead it will be citizen somchai and john q expat that has their rights continually violated to appease the station commanders. sounds like a good time to stay at home!
  4. I will have to agree with this Charlie H. The land I come from is a shadow of its former self and would rather take a bullet to the head than return anytime soon...
  5. Its not my fault that parents of hookers were too lazy in their youth to go to school and eanr a degree. They just decided to stay home all day drinking lao khow with their friends and play cards. now all the money is dried up and they have no saftey net i bet many of those elderly village blokes wish they had paid more attention in school and got themselves a good paying job with pension instead of dossing about the field all day with their loser buddies.
  6. last I heard they want copies of passports, marriage cert, wedding pics, guest list, brides maid statements, in law statements, proof of living together, neighbor interview, financial proof, bedroom pics (amateur video of marriage consummation an added bonus) etc. a bit like Thailand really.. P.S (I have no idea if the above is true or not, i read it somewhere online a while back)...
  7. hope the tourist got his girls LINE id and is happily ploughing away all weekend. scumbag shopkeeper.
  8. nice to see those quality tourists trickling in ????
  9. I'm in a state of shock about this. I feel like throwing up. makes me very reluctant to want to send my kid to school now. I feel so sorry for the kids that have to grow up in such a cruel and inhumane world. RIP to the innocent that have had their young lives so unfairly taken away from them ????
  10. not on the bts... or in the cinema.
  11. run to the hillllssss. run for your liiiiifeeee. they will take you to the cleaners double quick mayte!
  12. facetious comment, I hope. All thais I know loathe him!
  13. some more than others though, eh charlie? I think that is the point of the OP's post. is when you DONT learn from mistakes then you get the circumstances you deserve. Everybody deserves a second chance, but when you foul up 10, 12 15, 20 times in a row then you deserve everything you get imo.
  14. What are they then, staunch individualists?? herd mentality here runs as deep as the Mariana trench! The are sheeple to the max.
  15. those poor kids been subjected to forced wearing of masks for almost 3 years. i am glad to see all this nonsense finally coming to an end,. looks like most shops, condos, apartments etc are all following suit. end this madness now.! i wonder how long it will be before your average thai ditches the [masks]? cant see it being october 1st tbh
  16. Im a borderline alcoholic and even i can say that water is more important than beer. Stuff the bars, water and food first!!!
  17. look on the bright side, at least we will have plenty water to drink next year and no hose pipe bans when its cracking the flags! flooding, for all its devastation it brings is an important factor in replenishing the water reserves.
  18. in bartending?
  19. which bar did you meet her in?
  20. i wouldn't go even if they were paying me! axl rose is a complete washout in 2022.
  21. ok. how do they define fully vaccinaed? 2 shots ? ive only had 2
  22. thanks. how about getting into Laos? any requirements that side?
  23. are there currently any requiremnts at the border crossing, covid test cert, proof of vaccination etc. im thinking about taking a trip to svket around November time. thanks in advance
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