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bob smith

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Everything posted by bob smith

  1. if it's that obvious why don't you tell us? why would I want to keep thai security/prison guards on my side? bob.
  2. ahh, come on Will.. Be Good. bob.
  3. now wouldn't that look silly if I actually saluted him back and fell off my bike!! who would be culpable in such a monty python-esque scenario?? bob.
  4. they sound worse than traffic wardens in the UK! bob.
  5. how do they know they are sex workers? bob.
  6. by the looks of things it's the security guards who are the most shifty! bob.
  7. I don't want them to smile and nod at me. is that what I am paying them for?? bob.
  8. really?? nothing to do with keeping me safe then? bob.
  9. I am specifically talking about security guards in condos/housing projects. what do these guys actually do? it seems all they do is walk around all day taking pictures. Also, who do they actually work for? as their salary comes from our communal fee then technically they work for us? yet when you ask them to do something they are often very reluctant and slow. it's all quite confusing and I am looking for a little clarity as to what their actual purpose is and who they answer to. thanks. bob.
  10. it's ok mate.. you aren't the first! bob.
  11. Thailand really needs to up their game and offer something stable and concrete to the retiree if they are serious about attracting the cream of the crop! Contrary to popular belief, Thailand is NOT the center of the universe. Retirees and those with money have options. Thailand needs to learn how to compete for the cash cow by enticing them with stable, long-term options for retirement that includes property/land ownership, pathway to residence, reliable healthcare, a stable government and clean air to breathe. At the moment Thailand is falling short in almost all of those criteria, so moving forward, with the likes of Cambodia and the Philippines offering attractive visa packages - I see the competition for the much needed retiree dollar growing ever more fierce by the day. And don't forget, NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION! If you think that well-healed retirees are going to jump at the chance to pay even MORE tax on their pension pots then you are sadly mistaken.. bob.
  12. another quality tourist... The TAT should use that photo of him flipping the bird as their new promo shot for the 2025 high season! bob.
  13. social interaction can be important, but I suppose it depends on what kind of social interaction it is.. I have enough of that with the mrs.. come friday I can't wait to hit the bars at breakfast time completely alone and away from her for a few precious hours! bob.
  14. ...4 am target practice? bob.
  15. ...and your reputation on this forum would appear to be nonexistent! first time i've heard of you.. (...and btw, my current AN reputation stands at 15.8k whilst yours is a pitiful 5.2k.. Bet you wish you would have kept your gob shut now, eh big boy).. bob.
  16. I wouldn't believe anything that RSD1 says. They are full of it! bob.
  17. I for one am sick to the back teeth of these stray dogs roaming around Thailand thinking they own the joint! They are dangerous, carry diseases and cause problems for drivers when they don't move out of the way. It's time they were rounded up and castrated. bob.
  18. ...I wouldn't touch you with a 10ft pole! you can help yourself. bob.
  19. I do my sex in the daytime. night time is for sleeping. bob.
  20. I would NEVER in a million years lend a Thai person ANY amount of money, no matter how small. That includes Mrs. Smith. bob.
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