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Everything posted by Jethro27

  1. So you think it’s alright just to walk into a sovereign country and start a war do you?. Who’s next then? Why stop there! Keep marching and based on a 200 year old map let’s grab a few more countries. Putin is a lunatic with imperial desires and knows the west is weak. Don’t just poke the bear, shoot the bear, then we can go back too living as we once did.
  2. Hang him. The world will be better off without this type
  3. there should be no place on this planet for grubs like this
  4. So if a guy steals a car and is view on cctv do we wait for the car to make a complaint. I think not
  5. Thai cops don’t want to follow thru on prosecuting fellow Thai guards. You complaint is rubbish. See the crime prosecute the offender. Simples
  6. Settle down tiger. Young woman makes mistake and pays the price for it. He without sin cast the first stone.
  7. lol. Albania wanting to know if YOU are a criminal. Bit like the pot calling the kettle black isn’t it.
  8. Got to be happy if you invested your life saving into a business only for the government to do a u turn. Welcome to Thailand. Nothing surprises me here
  9. Welllll surpriseeeee surpriseeee sgt. couldn’t see that one coming.😝
  10. And thais wonder why foreigners treat them with mistrust. You have to treat foreigners with respect to receive the same back. greedy you know what!!!!!!
  11. You couldn’t make this S**t up. The Thai national anthem should start with “ Folks are dumb where I come from “
  12. I can see Einstein and Tesla yelling at each other saying, Here we go again!!!! If this is a lightbulb moment can you please disconnect my power source
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