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  1. So much for retiring to Thailand for a relaxed and stress free retirement. Kinda curious when the next hammer will fall! Looks like every couple of years they come up with another plan to squeeze the expats and separate them from their retirement funds..
  2. Personally I love gambling, I once bought a scratch off. That was about 25 years ago now. So, I guess it is about time to buy another one.. I am excited thinking about it.
  3. Been drinking your governments cool aid I see.
  4. I say this is fake news, Just google Thailand, and I never see this. If this were true no-one would go there . It would be a health hazard.
  5. I bought an air purifier that works 24/7. A one way ticket out of that nonsense.
  6. 10-1 they knew he was coming before he even got on the plane.
  7. This has been going on for years here, way before they legalized weed. Sell the drugs to foreigners is ok, a policeman is usually in the group selling it. They split the money then turn in the buyer. Double payday. Just par for the corse in the LOS's
  8. Makes perfect sense to me? Just fair IMHO. You pay taxes after 180 days, so? And in return you get: No residence. 1 year visa extension if you have 800K in the bank. No rights to buy land to build a home on for security. No air to breathe, living there will shorten your life by many many years. Double , tripple pricing. Sewage and garbage pumped out in the ocean and streets. Just a win , win , as far as I am concerned. I know I am coming there just to stay 181 days so I can file. A no brainer.
  9. I lived down there for a while, this ain't never going away. No way No how.
  10. Google how many and who dies in Thailand because of air Pollution.
  11. I say BS, the Chinese economy is in shambles. If worried about money why would Chinese go to Thailand? You keep your money in the bank or under your mattress. The wealthy may come the rest will stay home.
  12. Well, to get ready for your next trip to the LOS's , you need to close the garage door, and start your car for a few minutes everyday. To slowly acclimate your body to Thailand. If you don't have a garage just suck on your tail pipe a few minutes every day. You will be fine and ready for Thailand.
  13. Well with China and North Korea's help they should get there no problem.
  14. Reminds me of the guy that was water sking and went under the water. Almost drowned because he did not let go of the rope...

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