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Everything posted by jdstrange

  1. This is why Airbnb was never allowed in Thailand, but of course people let out rooms anyway. It's an issue at my condo, and probably wouldn't be if the guests didn't treat the place like a hotel. The crap really hits the fan when they bother the condo reception with questions thinking that they are staying at a hotel. This isn't just Brits. The Indians often move in fifteen to a room and like to throw their weight around. This shouldn't be an issue in a country where hotel rooms are so cheap and plentiful.
  2. This is basically like arresting buskers on the street or fining people for begging.
  3. Bloody hell. They took them to the cleaners for close to half a million dollars over a three year period. Wouldn't be surprised if the money has disappeared or has been well hidden in anticipation of this moment. Going on TV was a good move. for anyone thinking of "investing" with real estate here you just need to agree a deposit and a date for exchange of deeds. None of these monthly payments should be expected. Don't buy and develop with the same company. Buy the land in a partner's name if you must, and hire a contractor once the property is the name of someone you trust. Simple stuff really but if you leave the details to a naïve and easily influenced Thai partner, the results, as we can see, can be devastating.
  4. Good Guys go to Heaven. Bad Boys go to Immigration Detention Center.
  5. A bit of an over-reaction it seems.
  6. Anyone have an idea what the photo represents in the article?
  7. Come on - everyone knows the world's most beautiful airport is Samui.
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