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Everything posted by NDRugby99

  1. Looking for a Service Center for a Honda CRF250 motorcycle in Bangkok. I have found some that work on scooters, but did not have experience with motorcycles. thanks
  2. I got it at immigration in Bangkok where I live. It is necessary for me to get bike in my name since I am only on a TV
  3. Hi, Got my COResidence and buying a used motorcycle. I was hoping someone can give me advice based on my research. I live in Bangkok but buying used motorcycle (already reserved) in Pattaya. I was going to take the Bus down and inspect and pay cash. At transaction I would get Green Book (Match VIN), seller copy signed ID, Signed Copy housebook, filled out "Transfer of ownership" form (one in english and one in thai), tax/inspection/Comp insurance ppw, spare keys and manuals. Question 1: Missing anything? Is it best/necessary to have them go to Land Transport with me in Pattaya to make transfer? Is that asking too much if not required? Question2: If I go to Land Transport in Pattaya with or without them for registering bike, I understand it would take 3 days to get paperwork back because I will be changing provinces for bike (Pattaya to BKK) in addition to normal time to process and get new Green Book and issue me plates. So I would ride back to BKK with bike and no plates (well I guess I could take my scooter plates down as temp plates) and ride back in a few days Question 3: Should I just make sale without going to LT in Pattaya and ride it back and do all myself at LT in BKK, maybe only doing transfer at Pattaya LT since originally registered there? Question 4: When I do go to register I take: bike, green book, COR, IDL and home DL copies, Visa stamps (on a METV) and passports, TM30, all the info above I got from them Question5: like I do in the US, should I be calling my insurance co (have local one for other scooter) before I ride it back? I appreciate help in laying out the best way to handle this operation and local knowledge with Pattaya LT (YMMV) appreciated. Darren Seems like riding down and doing transfer with seller at LT office is best, then ride back with my scooter plates after calling insurance, then handle registration when I return to bangkok seems like best course even though I dread doing anything at Bangkok LT vs doing in smaller operation like Pattaya or CNX
  4. Edit: so fill out TM30 online, the print proof and take that with me...I think I got it now 😉
  5. Hi, Thanks for replies. Seems reasonable. When we first started going to thailand to stay there for winter we were going to have GF do TM30 for me in her house (her name is on book), but when we asked at local police station (we have house in Prawet district of BKK) they said it really was not a big deal so we never did it. I only mentioned the "lease" cause I thought that was needed to get the TM30, like there needed to be some sort of contract to show I am staying at their house, but if that just be placed on the TM30 form itself and no supporting documentation needed that would be even better. So just fill out attached at take to immigration along with GF and all the usual passport and visa junk and should be able to get the TM30? Or have her fill TM30 online and get it in the mail and take that to immigration? Appreciate it Darren
  6. I guess I could have her create a TM30 with some sort of lease as well if that help with immigration to get the POR?
  7. Hello, Thanks in advance for advice. I have been living in thailand for 4 months every year (47yo) on a Multi-Entry TV (obtained through E visa process by providing letter of invitation from thai family and financial statements). we come in Dec and leave in March. We usually do a trip to another Asian country while there to fulfill my requirement to leave every 60 days. I spend rest of year back in USA. I live near Bangkok with Girlfriend in her family house. 2 years ago I got Thai DL for moto/car by jumping through all the hoops. My DLs are expiring mid Dec. I was just doing the initial research on how to renew it (also buying a motorcycle so need to register and deal with DLT for that at same time. was going to let dealer do it but doubt he can handle this renew part as well) and it seems I have to do the whole thing over (clinic, residence, etc). Last time I got the POR from notary at US Embassy. I am reading on forums that they dont do that any longer. So I guess I need to go to immigration at Chaeng Wattana (I will also be in CNX for January so could do there is there is a workaround there that does not exist in BKK) My question is, has anybody renewed a DL that is on a METV or any TV by going through immigration? I keep seeing that they wont provide POR unless I have 90 day stamp and obviously I dont get 90day stamps on my METV. I can provide house book and stuff and take Thai GF to immigration and her mom (house in her name) but I dont know if that gets me the POF in the end. I mean, I guess I dont need to DL and can roll around with my International Permit with Cycle endorsement, just thought it created less friction. But when it comes to buying the motorcycle I feel like I might need the POR to register in my name. On the scooter I bought 3 years ago I just put it in my thai GF name (we have been together 10 years so not worried about the response I get for that move 😉 but I want the motorcycle in my name because I read the green book needs to be in my name to ride over to Laos and such at border crossings) Thank you for your time. Darren
  8. thanks everyone. I got it figured out. Got my googleFi transferred over to esim and picked up a local physical sim. All is well
  9. I am american here for 6 months. I use Google Fi for cell phone as my physical SIM. Trying to open bank account and they need a local number. I really would prefer not to get a local SIM as I paid for Google Fi for the reason of travelling without need for sim. Is there another way to get a local number and forward to US number that accepts text. I assume I need that. I can add eSIM on phone but that won't give me local number. Thanks I'm advance. I assume Google voice doesn't give Thai numbers. Darren
  10. Thank you so much! What a great response. Very helpful. Much appreciated. All went smooth!
  11. Hi. Can someone tell me a bank of bangkok branch in Bangkok that will open a checking account for US citizen on a METV. Appreciate it. I was told they often do it in tourist areas. Thought someone here might know exact branch. Thanks in advance
  12. Hi. Friend is bringing a pet into Thailand. The govt says the "health certificate" can only be 10 days old and the US mails these out. I don't think the certificate will come in time. Does anyone have experience with this issue as the windows is very tight especially when factoring in mail timing. Any kind of "work around" or experience for future like it really doesn't have to be 10 days. Rather less than 30 might do? Thanks in advance Darren
  13. What travel insurance do you use? turns out mine only covers me medically, and it seemed tough to find a travel insurance that covered Personal Liability for a moto riding.
  14. kind of you to elaborate. Many thanks. Should I try in CM or work just as well in BKK?
  15. Hi, Yes you are right. I just looked my travel insurance covers not only me but also the bike and 3rd party. Appreciate you
  16. good point. Yes my travel insurance does cover motorcycle. I wonder if I still get 3r party insurance to cover accidents to others though
  17. Is this legit? or were you joking. I can take that PDF fill it in and get notarized and take to CM immigration to get thai DL?
  18. Haha, Sorry I just got back to check on answers from my original question. Sounds like I really got some people going with this one. I personally dont mind the questions about my rationale as it sometimes leads to better suggestions, but I could also see how it would annoy others. No big deal. I appreciate all of it. You gave great advice. I am american (45 years old) who has a Thai GF (together 7 years - no kids, we met in USA not in Pattaya :). We live in my house in USA for 8 months of year and spend 4-5 months in a house in Bangkok as her family has a house on same street (starting this year OCT - MARCH) previously we just came over for 2 week trips. I found a gym, pool and tennis courts all around the east side of Bangkok (we are in Prawet district) and I thought it would be easier to just use a scooter as opposed to bus. I am aware on a METV I have to leave. I was just going to do a couple trips while here, like taiwan and vietnam or something. I thought I would keep the scooter at our place (GFs house) in BKK when back in the US. 1. It sounds like with my US and ID licenses I should be good to move forward 2. I would like to get Thai DL just to avoid potential hassles, but sounds like Certificate of Residence is not an option for me based on above and my METV. I will be in CMai in a couple weeks, I wonder if, as a poster said, I can try and get certificate up there...? 3. Any thoughts on 3rd party insurance? All the best Darren
  19. Hi all, I appreciate the feedback I get on this site. A wealth of knowledge. I am in Thailand on a METV until end of March. I wanted to get a Scooter (maybe 100-125 cc). It is my understanding I could buy it and get the book, but I cannot register it with GOVT since I do not have Thail DL, just US DL and IDL. I was wondering if my Thai GF could buy it and register with Govt even though she does not have a cycle endorsement in thailand (I have it in USA on my DL and IDL). In the US one could buy it, but when they went to register it they need to show proof of insurance, which you cannot get without a cycle endorsement, so you really cant register it. I was wondering how I would get around all this in Thailand without my GF going through a class to get the cycle endorsement as she is not gunna pass that lol. Can She register it with just the basic compulsory insurance (no third party...I know this sucks)? Whatever I try, is it best to put a deposit on the bike and get the book to try and get govt approval before paying total cost of scooter? thanks again Darren
  20. There is a 60 day extension after the 30? or are you short-handing the idea of leaving and coming back with 30 day and then 30 day extension to get the extra 60. Thank you for information Darren
  21. If my Thai Girlfriend buys a car, can I drive it while in thailand...ie can I get on policy without a Thai DL. I will only be in country for 4 months. What do other people do? thanks Darren
  22. Hi, spending 4 months in NW Prawet for Winter. Wondering best way to find expats and events in my area. I tried searching for Prawet FB groups but did not see anything. Any advice is appreciated. All the best Darren
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