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Everything posted by DontDoubtMe

  1. More great help and useful information. Thanks!
  2. Fyi btc has been in the $60,000 for a while now.... Arrogant old guys always talking #$it about btc. Lol
  3. About the best thing anyone on this forum could hope for. Even before he was PM, he wanted weed illegal again. He's been saying it for a long time. Should hopefully at least delay it.
  4. Prime example of why you shouldnt listen to randoms on the internet. It's just an old guy who knows nothing. (And was extremely wrong). Not to mention how he posts on EVERY SINGLE thread on this forum. Pathetic? I'll let you decide And yes call me crazy, but bitcoin will hit $150,000. + One day. I'm glad I kept all mine 😉
  5. This store is good for 99% of you. All these buds will get you high (yes I know, expect the CBD only ones). Price is always reasonable. No need to be paying 200+ per gram from other places. As with all shops, the thc content is an exaggerated guess to boost sales.
  6. Gunna be some good hash from the trim. And before you ask, yes BritManToo.... It will also be for sale on our store on line app ????
  7. ahhhh, so all the weed you were buying and consuming the last few years here, that was all following the Thai laws too?
  8. in other posts you talk about growing for a long time here... i didnt know it was legal to do so before june "Best for foreigners not to break Thai laws IMHO."
  9. license in wifes name. dont you worry sunshine. also, you are breaking the laws you love and admire... you are foreigner, no? please show me where (in the Thai law), that foreigners are allowed to grow weed? maybe follow your own advice hey?
  10. getting close. some have been cut. do si dos OG + gorilla glue #4 from original sensible seeds into the drying tent then jars and will up for 200-250/g we sell on line app
  11. i agree... alcohol and cigarettes should be banned.
  12. as a fellow Canadian, i am ashamed of this man
  13. TLDR; he has seen pictures of outdoor grows but cant grow anything good himself. but i forgot, this is the guy who grows bagseed and claims its the best weed in the world and all indoor grows are garbage.
  14. <deleted> are you talking about. Who said stoner spiders? Have you never grown marijuana? There are such things as spider mites. They can infest marijuana plants. Next time please use Google before butting into something you know nothing about.
  15. oh jeez now you dont even know what "thai landrace" genetics you are even growing? you are just growing bagseed and claiming its a premuim thai 'landrace' strain? do you know exactly where you weed is coming from when you beg for free seeds? its not laos or cambodia weed, surely. right? its all pure 100% thai "landrace" weed you are buying? if you are so obsessed with thai strains why not buy real thai heritage strains and grow them? crazy that you are growing bagseed and telling all indoor growers how bad their weed is. all while claiming that growing bagseed is the best way to grow, and the best weed you can get.
  16. yes so your soil must be pure native soil? no additives at all right? no worm castings, bat guano, nothing, correct? you also must use rain water only. or well water. or river water because clearly tap water wasnt around for thousands of years when thai weed was 'perfected'. we are all still waiting for pictures of your plants. but you seem too scared to show off your pride and joy
  17. i am talking about tap water, stale rain water in a bucket, well water, river water. there is no care given to growing landraces outdoors. its really a lazy way to grow weed and then to claim it is the best marijuana in the world and superior to any indoor grow is completely wrong. just because someone throw a seed in the ground and said "whatever happens, happens" doesnt mean its the best weed in the world. there is little (to no) knowledge about growing and even less care given to the plant. i get it, hes an old guy that cant accept things have changed for the better and hes stuck in the 'old man mentality'. but we are comparing a ford model t to a tesla right now. but who knows, maybe i am wrong and indoor grows around the world will all shut down because the extremely high quality outdoor thai weed is now available for everyone to import.
  18. excellent. no harm. i am not trying to fight about it. lets see some pictures of your plants
  19. So you are saying a natural landrace strain is far superior to any indoor grown plants? It's fine you like the outdoor plants and enjoy growing them. But stop acting like they are better than indoor plants in anyway besides electricity costs.
  20. to each their own. i grow indoors and love that i can grow year round in a basically perfect environment and not have to worry much about pests or mold. me personally i dont see the point growing a thai sativa outdoors for 6+ months just to get mediocre bud that can now be bought for 20 baht a gram or less. "time-consuming nutrient regime"... you dont give your plants any nutrients at all? just bad tap water or rain water? do you at very least ph the water? what kind of buds do you expect from a plant that never receives any nutrients?
  21. lets see some pictures of these monsters
  22. So I guess they will have to put everyone back in prison that they released for marijuana offenses also? Lol Alcohol and cigarettes are ok though....
  23. check under the leaves and if you see tons of them i would personally cut off that branch before they spread (if they havent already). you can try to fight them, but during flowering its not good to spray the buds with anything for many reasons.
  24. either way still have some time before its finished. in the second picture i see spider webs, do you have spider mites? what kind of nutes have you been giving them?
  25. What's wrong with buying 10 of the 1kg bags for 60 baht each?
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