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Everything posted by brokenbottle

  1. That sucks, but they have been dying for ever from flu, we just didn't shut down the world destroying peoples lives and health over it. I shudder to think how many people died from not getting early treatment for cancers and other maladies, never mind the absolute monstrous damage done to small children and their development.
  2. Ahh I forgot the best bit, there was a charge of 2000 baht for PPE that they quickly removed when I questioned it. Maybe I should have noped out of the whole thing at that point.
  3. They seem to recommend the Colonoscopy at 45 now as opposed to 50 in the U.S. so I figure I am due, the added gastroscopy is not all that much more and figured it was good to get everything checked out just for preventative maintenance. I do wonder if I picked up something in undercooked meat that is hard to shake...
  4. This has been my experience as well, including myself unless what I had in October of 2019 was Covid, which is entirely possible.
  5. Long time lurker but did a number of searches here and did not find an answer so hoping someone can chime in. Had a recurring stomach ache last couple months after a bout of diarrhea from some possibly dodgy street food. Finally decided to see a gastro and being late 40's I guess I am due for a Colonoscopy not having had one in the past. Normally I go to BNH but saw Bumrungrad had a package for 36k for gastro/colon scopes on both ends and I would like to eliminate any possible cancer issues. After initial consultation I received meds to prepare and cost estimate. Biopsies for any removed polyps are 3,750, fair enough as that seems to be routine but they mention another charge of 35,000 (!) to perform polypectomy. My research led me to believe that removing most polyps unless quite large was all part of the normal colonoscopy procedure. Is this correct or is this just a way for them to inflate the price of the procedure? I was actually surprised Bumrungrad was offering this at 36k as BNH wanted closer to 50 for both procedures and Vipahwadee hospital close to that as well. Thanks for any insights.
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