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Everything posted by SteveBull

  1. I'm intrigued - what document ? Yes Bangkok Hospital haven't got the best reputation given their price structure, however our local army hospital HAS got a very good reputation so on the very rare occasion I've ever thought I need to get something checked out I go there. They don't even notice I'm a farang, they just get on with it and there is no dual price structure. Ridiculously cheap. At the other end I hear many good things about Bumrungrad. Recently got into the top 500 hospitals worldwide.
  2. Bangkok Hospital Hua Hin - maybe they didn't rate his chances ? Still he pulled through and got a few more years out of the ticker. However sadly he died last week.
  3. Self insure - the stress of paying enormous premiums coupled with the worry they will somehow deny the claim, which happens so often made the decision for me. The only problem with that is the cash needs to be readily available, ie I like to invest every penny and not have millions sat around in an interest free account. If I slipped into a coma for any reason the wife isn't going to be able to access/liquidate that cash. However with an insurance policy number..... I know someone who was taken to Bangkok Hospital with his second heart attack and they told him the procedure would be circa 2m, he had the cash but couldn't access it immediately and asked how long he had to pay - they replied he wouldn't make it through the night unless he could prove he could underwrite the whole amount.
  4. ATM's fail all the time for many different reasons, and most banks have separate companies run their ATM networks anyway. It could easily be someone has jammed it in order to fleece the unsuspecting public and the ATM has detected it. They will also shut themselves down if it detects it has been tampered with. Have you tried calling them ?
  5. wow another interesting spanner thrown in - good point.
  6. Tops ? I have two of them near me, large stores the size of a large Tesco's/Lotus but both have told me Tops do not have a license to sell alcohol ? Where is your Tops out of interest?
  7. That's actually a different process and easier than someone doing it NOT for marriage reasons. Women can travel on both passports with maiden and marriage names I believe. It's even in a different section on the government website. Lot easier.
  8. All great information again, and again thanks, re the electoral role, I actually just changed my UK address and registered with the new council with my NEW name, (deed poll not completed yet) and they just accepted it. Yep I'm aware they both work and wasn't casting aspersions over the unenrolled route, but weighing up both, enrolled sounded like it would save further 'admin' issues further down the track.
  9. Are you talking about the UK ? or even deed polls ? because I'm sorry but none of that needs to happen. You print off the form, you get it witnessed by two people (not family) that's it. Everyone from the milkman to the taxman will accept that form. Some will insist on an original and not copy. Anyone can call themselves what they like, when they like, as many times as they like, outside of the simple form there are no formalities to go through at all. However we're probably straying from the point of the thread now.
  10. Hello, and then changed your passport and stamps etc ? My birth certificate is all hand written, with various signatures, god knows how you translate that, but interesting. Also I'm assuming you had to inform the UK (assuming UK) authorities right ?
  11. Thanks again - the main difference is enrolled changes all public records whilst unenrolled doesn't. Correct you can still get a new passport either way. So if you have completely left your home country behind either version will be fine. However if you still have an address, in this case in the UK, or say credit cards from the UK, and especially if you wish to apply for anything in your home country, open any accounts etc you will need to go down the enrolled route else the credit agencies/financial providers won't have any evidence of your name change outside what you provide them (which can be printed off and completed in seconds with Daffy Duck as your new name if you wish) Not being on the local electoral roll (only done with enrolled route) 99% of providers will not touch you. So yes whilst both can work, enrolled just adds a little more padding to the same process I believe.
  12. Yep I agree it's very black and white what you say but I spoke to a real person last week who didn't even mention these lists, only to send in the deed poll form signed by two witnesses. I also got that confirmed in writing, the passport office are very good and reply in minutes each time I contact them. Sounds like others didn't adhere to it either. Perhaps that page is outdated, don't know.
  13. Extremely encouraging thanks. The only slight difference is I would get an enrolled as opposed to unenrolled else there's no point in doing it as only with enrolled does it go on public record. If it's not I can see the passport officer raising a red flag as to why not. But I agree the starting point seems to be VFS but maybe take a few deep breaths before going in !
  14. First 2 paragraphs I was floating on air, last paragraph walking through treacle ! Though I guess if VFS have already issued me a new passport, then immigration would have to suck it up, but if they really dug their heels in, then as before just have to start from scratch I guess. I think it's pretty pointless running this past immigration as they've probably never come across something this specific before and are unlikely to give me accurate advice even though my local immigration office are actually good. I'm thinking VFS should be my starting point which is progress as this morning I was about to book flights to the UK to get it done, but now am doubting that's a good move.
  15. No, the deed poll certificate is enough - I've already had this confirmed by the UK passport office. Though if VFS could process it that would be a godsend, would they even know what a deed poll certificate is ? I tried for a long time to get answers from them but a) there is nothing on the website, no online chat or even a help email. So I guess I might have to jump in the car and head into BKK and ask them face to face. So thanks for the other answers, I didn't want to hear them but that's what I asked for. If VFS cannot process it, I think to make it clean and not get turned around/refused at an airport I will probably have to follow Ubonjoes advice and start everything from scratch. But then what would I come in on if my re-entry is in an invalid passport ? A tourist visa I guess. A massive pain but then life throws the odd curveball so just have to get on with it. I'm married to a Thai national and of course after all this she needs to change her name, imagine the look I got from her when I ran that past her!
  16. Hello, As the title suggests I need, for personal family reasons, change my passport surname, my head is spinning with the possible consequences of changing my surname in my passport (thus obtaining a new passport reflecting my new name) whilst all my stamps are in my old passport which will have a different surname. Whilst this is an easy process UK side, I'm dreading trying to navigate this the Thai side. I think trying to get a new passport through VFS with a name change at the same time via a deed poll certificate is going to be too difficult and they don't have a help facility to ask them. It might not be but I just can't find any information on it despite hours and hours of trying. So I was thinking of going back to the UK, changing my name onto a new passport but this would then mean I'm flying back to Thailand effectively as a different person name wise, though would keep both passports. Do you think they are going to be able to get their heads around that/is it something anyone else has done ? or do you think I'm heading for choppy waters or even worse have my visa and extension of stay cancelled and have to start from scratch ? Best case scenario armed with both passports they say no problem, and transfer over my stamps, but am I dreaming now ? Thks
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