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Everything posted by Slocum

  1. O..Yes..I do go to school..but I also do think outside the box...and not walk a straight line.......law are made by people and are meant to change... also....if it's not correct....law are not only for people but also for the industry...it's true, not the first time mahout are charge....trying to make a scapegoat out of a no body... ..
  2. There he goes again.... American never learn anything...once a thief,always a thief..A leopard never change their spot.... temporary humbled after dethrone...Once back to the top...He start sprouting out all his flying colours again with any merits and start bullying again...just big mouth and empty threat really.... "Don't under why the assination shooter miss Mark"..... Idiot...
  3. Cuff him up.set him on fire in front of Buddha.... probably the correct thing to do..set a precedent for other's to learn...Mental scum..I hope the Thai bash the <deleted> out off him...
  4. "Nostradamus" ....Good Try...🤐
  5. This Guy looks like a joker to me... with anger management......the bigger joke is 500 bahts fine.....for aggression and Nuisance........They can't differenciate between fine and lockup first...or both....🤔....There must be rules somewhere in every country or it's hidden under the carpet...
  6. Make it 2 than...or 3...even safer fot all..
  7. In a foreign land different culture, lingo...Just put on a smile is fine..You can never go wrong.Humble....Never ever try to get smart unnecessary.....
  8. I hope the Authority Hang him after verdict..make sure to serve him National dish "Kimchi" for his last meal
  9. Intention was Good...the point is you murder someone..unless you have mental issue...otherwise just "Hang Him" to set s precedent.....if you abused the law...You pay heavy for that......" Nothing for Nothing " Removed all this low life scum from the street once and for all...
  10. Just Cheap sourgrape....far overating our Supermacy.....imbecile.....
  11. Sad.. probably Mental issue.... unfortunately...let the Hospital and may God help and Guide him....
  12. Hmmm...Now it's making sense in the old Saying " We go Dutch " 🤭
  13. And time...Plus "busy over nothing" ....It's part of a regular Drama and Play....over and over again....They have no idea People are tired of this type of play.....If they are smart...they should know by now this is no small issue....to set up this whole episode The moment it's was announce Tony is coming back or home and how it will end ...someone on Top of the Tops is decision body making it happen and it's final Earlier....it must end this way...Win-Win for All... This useless underdog or silly low juggernauts is just trying to impress themselves....Wasting Taxpayer's money......Enough is enough.... Morons
  14. All this small and big talk is no use.. Arrest bring to court..fine or Jail...finish your due, next plane out..never to return here ever again.total Ban.....Simple but firm precedent....Than we wait and see anymore of this Low tourist around after a little while..
  15. If you are a responsible parent..just remember...Charity start from home...good or bad...from Young be watchful,mindful with kids about their vulnabilities upbringing... it's a responsibility of parent...rather than Cry fowl now and feel sorry... it's just to late...to advice other's now..just a waste of time...to tell your Sad story....Hmm.my heart is bleeding..
  16. Or Bad blood much earlier on....It's all a half story telling ...bull <deleted>s...
  17. Yes, it does...in some degree....why would a interlectual person need that type of stigma for....trying to show beauty or mancho ? So you can steal,rob...create crime...make others fearful or you...if you think it's beauty....Nature is beauty, no matter what you tattoos you put...on...you are still ugly inside out...Somple
  18. Too many narrative, selfish sour grapes around...instead of looking outside the box...Sucks...
  19. Not supposed to provide list, or encourage others to reach it as it's illegal...or further more , kids to get around it....Simple..🫣
  20. Bring him back and strangle him...Best medicine for him....
  21. That much for this cheap type of Farang.....Shameless
  22. Just Low People...Animal...Shameless ... dispectful of other's...around.....I can understand why the Thais despiced this type of Character...No matter what you think...or Say...
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