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Posts posted by gmy56

  1. hello to all, I'm back from Thailand where I had a great stay of 45 days! my best since 2018. however, something always has to happen to me... I left with a friend, but this friend met a lady boy and completely changed completely. I did not see him during the stay, he paid a lot of things to his lady boy and above all he gave no news to anyone, neither to me nor to his family. His mother called me in tears several times and so I had to tell him what I knew.


    when he returned to France, he was so afraid to face me he moved his flight forward so as not to see me ????. but for some time, he has been threatening me to invent a story against me (theft or assault or other) and that his lady boy knows the police and in 5 minutes he can go and file a false complaint against me to prevent me from returning to Thailand . is it true ? I think we still need a minimum of proof? and I obviously specify, he doesn't know anything happened, no theft, no assault or other, nothing at all since I didn't see him during the stay ????.

    I sincerely thank you for your help because this story stresses me out and ruins my end of vacation! good day everyone!

    • Confused 1
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  2. On 12/23/2022 at 4:30 AM, The Theory said:

    There is no definite answer for your question. It's depends on different factors. If vaping in public is against the law, you should expect to be in trouble anytime, anywhere. 
    One more thing, never listen to people who say "no problem" ????????

    no, I'm not waiting for a definitive answer, I'm just asking if I didn't have a problem at the time, I won't have any when I return?  anyway thank you for your answer

  3. On 1/2/2023 at 12:52 AM, Crossy said:


    Mock Franglais suggesting that maybe the person spotted vaping was himself.


    As others have said, no worries for returning, the police wouldn't be remotely interested.


    To be honest, I'd be more concerned that you look the right way when crossing the road (and remember that motorcycles can come from unexpected directions).

    thank you very much for your feedback.  It reassures me.  I also think that if they had wanted to arrest me, they would have done so when I vaped in front of them (the police, who themselves vape).  Regarding the airport, I also tell myself that stopping a tourist vaping in the international zone, without spitting dragon clouds either, would be unwise, and given the number of cameras they would have caught me directly

  4. 5 hours ago, neverere said:

    No need to be concerned gmy56, forget about it. Next time be less public about your 'illegal' activities, it may save you from being shaken down.

    yes thank you, but I am a rather naive person.  if a lady at the airport tells me it's allowed, I listen to her.  if I see 2 policemen vaping I don't hesitate either... thank you for your answer

    • Thumbs Up 1
  5. 32 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:

    Here's your answer. Vaping is illegal. Nearly everything is illegal in Thailand, such as selling a nice cold beer between 2 and 5 on a hot tropical afternoon. But, fortunately, laws are rarely enforced. I have watched many YouTube videos of Thai nightlife areas where the majority of women are vaping - men not so, strangely. If, IF, a uniform wants to be difficult then they have the law to back them up, but that is rarely the case. Relax - and next time find a place for a vacation where you don't have to worry about such nonsense.

    Thank you for your clear and precise answer, it's very kind of you!

    • Like 1
  6. 5 hours ago, Liverpool Lou said:

    Have you posted on the intended forum, this is Thaivisa, you know!


    Having said that, you have nothing to worry about if you weren't bothered by the authorities while you were here.  Just because the woman in the airport bar said it was ok with her for you to vape, doesn't mean that it is legal, though, it isn't.

    Thank you for your answer !  yes, but even I was able to pass the security gates with my vaper without any worries, out of respect I asked the waitress who told me yes there is no problem.  if that would have been a problem, they would have come to ask me questions before my return flight, right?

  7. 3 hours ago, Camelot said:

    By denouncing you, the lady who sold you the vaping materials would also be denouncing herself and facing a higher penalty than mere possession. If it was a sting you would have been arrested on the spot. Since nothing happened, you have no reason to worry.

    thank you for your message !  it's fun!  yes that's what I tell myself too, but since there is a What app exchange between us I ask myself a lot of questions, afterwards, she already asked me if I was coming back, and that she would  a price

  8. 4 hours ago, Stevemercer said:

    You will have no problems returning to Thailand. Firstly, no one has made threats to you or attempted to exhort you for money. Secondly, someone would have to be angry with you and make a complaint to police. This does not seem to be the case.


    Thirdly, the police would dismiss any complaints as trivial and not worth their time or expense to pursue. Fourthly, the police would have to catch you in the act of vaping, or with the gear in your possession, before they could consider action against you. Fithly, even if caught, the worst you could expect is a fine of several thousand Baht. Certainly not deportation or black-listing.


    Vaping is not going to get you kicked out of Thailand. Just be discreet when in public. 

    what a pleasure this kind of helpful answers!  I sincerely thank you!  and yes I agree, I should never have vaped in front of the 2 super nice police officers, but they didn't say anything to me at the time, they were also vaping, but I also tell myself that they can denounce me from behind...  .  I wish you a good day, and thank you very much for your detailed answer!

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, thailand49 said:

    If you have to ask concern!  

    What does knowledge tell you? 

    If you put yourself in a position for it to happen it will!  

    Is vaping that important show some self restrain! ????

    I know it's not right, I'm just saying, if nobody stopped me, do I risk prosecution and a blacklist for so little?  thank you

  10. 25 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

    Its a guy from England ridiculing a French guy for France   losing the World cup final .

      You just need to mention the World Cup quarter final when France beat England...............................you got an open goal there 

       (Which Harry Kane would probably still miss ????


    hahahah ok I get it!  in any case 1st in 2018, 2nd in 2022, we are doing better than England haha

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