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Everything posted by watchcat

  1. and while they're at it, scrap the 90 days repport...
  2. Eventually you'll learn
  3. Thats about it
  4. How about spending some money on restrooms there?
  5. Without narcotics this place would not be " a bustling" district of Phuket
  6. Block him from all the airports, and warm up the BMW's
  7. and you're not alone..... Hah hah hah
  8. Ah and how to invest his ill-gotten wealth, he came to the right man for this purpose.
  9. Because he failed to look further than his hood / bonnet.
  10. You could try to get rid off the Pukhet "mafia" taxi.
  11. But the authorities only want the arriving tourists, don't want to spend money for toilets , typical (Pukhet) thaistyle
  12. Really sad, hope the dog don't suffer too much.
  13. But you can't vote no matter how much money youv'e got
  14. Marry the hoe then you can keep her for yorself.
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