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Everything posted by watchcat

  1. They had obviously no experience with a big bike in the rain. Why the heck didn't they stop at a hotel/guest house then they might still be alive?
  2. Like in many countries they are afraid they'll get regrimanded for taking their own decissions without asking the policeofficer in charge. Deport the guy after doing some jailtaime.
  3. He'll be at least 10 years older when he get out.
  4. He can send the bill for the damage to the Chinese Embassy, after all it was their stupid holyday.
  5. Killing a man for cooking a fish, strange people around these parts of the country.
  6. With all the chinese people comming I'd recommend using a N95 mask.
  7. Same as getting a bucketfull of ice cold water in your face during the idiotic songkkran.
  8. I think somone Have told him not to interfere with politics.
  9. Avoidable accident he could have done i maintenace in the comfort of his home, but this is not how thais do things, repair when broken
  10. What's the matter with Swiss people nowadays. ?
  11. You mean they missed the lunch and dirnner.
  12. But not for making bigger boobs on transgenders.
  13. Why did he get off at a "entertainment venue"? On a sidenote the green buses in bangkok are more or less racing to come first to the customers. Same in Pattaya?
  14. Too many trips to EU and LA has made her cunfused
  15. Indeed he should be in jail.
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