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Everything posted by watchcat

  1. Kids doesn't pay the bills, be it water or aircon.
  2. LOL looks like it. But many individuals concentrate on the arrms so they can show off att the beach.
  3. The women driving with a smartphone (most of them do this) should be fined heavily if using it (how can they resist the temptation).
  4. Yes i have notised this several times on this forum, that a thai person can't stay awake in a car, train, bus, mc etc. why are the doctors not concerned about this?
  5. He likes to fly away from the country as in a holiday....
  6. This is just a warning for passengers what to expect in Bejing when they get off the flight.
  7. Indeed, I wonder if hes got a return ticket for the flight home?
  8. 44 degrees C at 6 am? Where is this place, I hate to be around this place at luchtime......
  9. Well it is Phuket.... Let the PM or anutin deal with this matter, they're the ones who let them in.
  10. Had he not been drunk whilst motorvating his vehicle, both the vehicle in qestion and he would be fine.
  11. Thats' good for this year, but next year wiill be the same even iff they change the governor.
  12. I thought he was discualified from politcal stuff 15 years or so ago according to himself.
  13. Obviously Anutin hasn't forget when switzerland denied him entry to the country during covid. So now it's payback time....
  14. I think this is because of the tiny ants that are everywhere.
  15. don't forget the next, second or third customer.... Time is money.
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