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Everything posted by watchcat

  1. Kinky. But don't forget the mother. "a father and a mother were found to have severely abused their 2-year-old daughter to the point of her tragic demise. They then decided to conceal her body by burying her in cement behind their home in Kamphaeng Phet province."
  2. Who lives in a studio ? Beats me.
  3. Most of them have a wife, why not put her to good use instead of letting her sit around the house doing nothing.
  4. Well you need a few nails, a 2by4, a hammer and the sign. :)
  5. The house belongs to the mother of this son (who the heck lives at mum's home at the age of 27)? You should just check out, your GF is just a friend albeit a girl. Don't get involved.
  6. CM doesn't have beaches, what did you expect?
  7. Neither do I. Why would she go to Japan to take a dive from a condominium?
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