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Everything posted by watchcat

  1. Cigars would be better a bit pricey but I think there is cheap thai cigars available.
  2. Ah it was only a mistake, I hope yo get 20 years behind bars!
  3. As long they do it in the southern parts, I could not care. Heep them in Pattaya, Phuket and Samui, I'll be happy.
  4. In Issan theyl eat anything that moves...
  5. Bustling eatery? 2 cars and a couple of bikes!
  6. Down payment for the vaccine borrowed by Anutin ?
  7. Didn't work ? How was the second one?
  8. What are you, a teenager. No I've not heard of it nor used it.
  9. Will these accounts be used by "agents" for immigration as well, or are they only for mobile use?
  10. Sorry, ICQ never heard of it,
  11. A white t-shirt and she think she is the big boss? ! month in jail.
  12. So he didn't have a travel insurance?
  13. Not intrerested, they only want the "gofundme" money.
  14. Do like the mafia does eveywhere....
  15. By her looks, she doesn't either.
  16. Just wait until they increase the price for beer in his bar or not to mention the barfines hahaha
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