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  1. Sexually asaulting a girl is not comparable to the LBs larking around but if you a man ? feel you have been assaulted you could report it to the police and get the LB put in prison overnight. That is your right. Regarding the 'master race' comment which is both tateless and innacurate. Thais are usually reserved and humble its the farang who behave like an entitled master race.
  2. He probably admitted it before he knew the fine and probably there were witnesses. He didnt realise what is 'eve teasing' in Indian is sexual assault in the rest of the world! Good on the girl for defending her rights. I hope he learned his lesson. NO MEANS NO!!!!!
  3. But they would be checking at city hall not the bars
  4. On the contrary Soi Buakao was incredibly busy on Friday night as was LK Metro. Bars and GG Bars were busy to rammed as it was at high season years ago. That was at 10pm +
  5. But we learned to ride a bike when we were 7 and learned the difference between a ticket and a boarding pass when we were 17. Perhaps you dont understand a ticket is isued first THEN a boarding pass. They are completely different documents and used at different stages of the journey
  6. You get a boarding pass when you check in at the check in desk. First you need a ticket so you can check in then you get the boarding pass.
  7. No. It is a reflection of years of propagnda and lies. Whether or not the majority believe it or not is irrelevant after nearly a hundred years of lies and misinformation
  8. You sum up Pattaya like you actually know what you are talikng about. It actually has everything and is a short drive from mountains, jungles and rice paddies, Also it has several beaches. Jomtien Beach spills into Dongtan Beach which changes to Yim Yom Beach then around the corner on Soi 4 is another beach then there is alo the beach Cozy Beach. Pratumnak is a whole different green area with a lovely park and temple. The only people who decry Pattaya simply dont know the place. For Thai style there is all of third Road Issan Music scene....
  9. No real night life in HH. Just depressing beer bars. HH has no energy.
  10. Pattaya. BTW I lived in Bangkok for year and never had a problem with 'the insufferably annoying waitresses and irritating hawkers and scammers' Its just city life in Asia - part of the charm
  11. There is no problem! 'The city that never sleeps' is a cultural reference. I have rewriten it for the joyous insominiacs of Pattaya. 'The CIty That Cant Sleep'. Geddit now?
  12. Possibly one of Leather's worst books and a very shallow view of Thailand, Thai culture and bar girl cuture. Christopher G. Moore writes far better books about 'the life'. His Killing Smile trilogy though rough and ready has a great poinagnt insight into the life of a bar girl and his books got better and better. Leather's Book makes you feel you know a lot about Thailand but Moore's books make you realise you know nothing.
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