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Posts posted by Dominus

  1. On 9/11/2022 at 3:47 AM, Mr Meeseeks said:

    You are not allowed to touch a member of the master race.


    Foreigners are fair game however.

    Sexually asaulting a girl is not comparable to the LBs larking around but if you a man ? feel you have been assaulted you could report it to the police and get the LB put in prison overnight. That is your right. Regarding the 'master race' comment which is both tateless and innacurate. Thais are usually reserved and humble its the farang who behave like an entitled master race.

  2. On 9/8/2022 at 8:29 AM, tomyami said:

    Who knows if she does this `on a regular and goes with suitable customers.

    then she is not there as a civi but how can a tourist dispute police are judge and jury with a pay day

    Two wrong doesn't make it right TIT

    might dent a certain market

    He probably  admitted it before he knew the fine and probably there were witnesses. He didnt realise what is 'eve teasing' in Indian is sexual assault in the rest of the world! Good on the girl for defending her rights.  I hope he learned his lesson. NO MEANS NO!!!!!

  3. 7 hours ago, Baron Samedi said:

    Who cares? The nightlife in Pattaya is pretty much dead anyway.

    On the contrary Soi Buakao was incredibly busy on Friday night as was LK Metro. Bars and GG Bars were busy to rammed as it was at high season years ago. That was at 10pm +

    • Like 2
  4. 8 hours ago, harry94 said:

    I have just talked to an agent and he said it is easy ???? i just go to airport three hours before the flight , i have a ten digit number (confirmation) do i go to check in with that ? sorry to sound a complete bufoon. i asked the agent that and kept repeating it is easy . i said riding a bike is easy when you know how .

    But we learned to ride a bike when we were 7 and learned the difference between a ticket and a boarding pass when we were 17. Perhaps you dont understand a ticket is isued first THEN a boarding pass. They are completely different documents and used at different stages of the journey

  5. 7 hours ago, champers said:

    Where is the problem? It isn't at night and the boats are powered by oars not motors.

    There is no problem! 'The city that never sleeps' is a cultural reference. I have rewriten it for the joyous insominiacs of Pattaya. 'The CIty That Cant Sleep'. Geddit now?

    7 hours ago, champers said:

    Where is the problem? It isn't at night and the boats are powered by oars not motors.


  6. On 9/16/2022 at 9:19 AM, FritsSikkink said:

    It is a looong time ago i read that, good memories.

    Possibly one of Leather's worst books and a very shallow view of Thailand, Thai culture and bar girl cuture.

    Christopher G. Moore writes far better books about 'the life'. His Killing Smile trilogy though rough and ready has a great poinagnt insight into the life of a bar girl and his books got better and better. Leather's Book makes you feel you know a lot about Thailand but Moore's books make you realise you know nothing.

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  7. 8 hours ago, kingstonkid said:

    As we know in most countries the rules are not adhered to.  At least if you have rules on who can sell where they can sell and who they can sell to it is easier to control and make the tax dollars from.. Also right now there is nothing stopping kids from dealing at schools


    The fact that the police here do nothing is an issue but there again has to be some sort of law. There has to be some way of stopping Johnny from becoming a pt head.  There are enough drunk Thai teens we do not need drunk and stoned Thai teens

    Of course kids cant deal at schools!

    • Thanks 1
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