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  1. There is no need to make two residence certificates and two medical certificates to renew car and motorcycle licenses together, original one and signed copy are perfectly fine. Immigration aware of it, they are just happy to make another 300 baht from you. Just renewed my licenses using one original and one copy, no any questions been asked at Land Transportation office.
  2. I haven’t said said anything about declining car sales, I said about lie: While Lada is the top car brand in sales.
  3. Your goal is to lie in every message, or what? Lada is the top sold brand among new cars. Looking at cumulative data up to December 2024 brand-wise, Lada dominated with 440,878 sales (+25%) Looking at the best selling models, the leader was the Lada Granta with sales down 1.7% followed by the Lada Vesta (+134.1%) and the Chevrolet Niva(+29.3%). https://www.focus2move.com/russian-autos-market/
  4. Is your God encouraging you to kill other people?
  5. without retracted gear airplane is not capable to fly in a cruising speed and height, so they could not fly as far as Moscow.
  6. It works otherwise. You just can't steal belongings of other people.
  7. They made this assessment before bullets been flying there, or after?
  8. Duma is the place where some lawmakers are able to express their opinion. However there is no freedom of speech in Russia, so the opinion cannot be against general agenda. As for constitution CB is fully independent and this guy’s offer have no chance to pass constitution court to become a law. That’s why you see faces like these, because everyone understands that this is populism from one particular person. With 21% rate CB is not popular among any part of society, so publicly poking it will bring political points, it’s the only purpose of these words. Regrading freezing people’s assets, why CB should be even talking about it when they are able to print whatever amount of roubles they want? The freezing have a point from ministry of finance in case if they ran out of money. However fake-makers not bother themselves to learn how the budget works and give this “freezing” role to CB.
  9. Not reading Ukrainian blogs with fake rumours certainly would make you more comfortable
  10. Except other exports, Russia is #1 in the world in wheat export, and #1 in the world in fertilisers export This is obvious fake news. Except some Ukrainian blogs, you will not find it nowhere in official sources. Banking system works normally without any problems, CB never have offered or talked about such measures.
  11. There is a shift from this To this What happend?
  12. Yeah, they should be taking their car. Or just order their driver. Some people in the forum not realise that sometimes there is a life situation when you have to move with all family and all that you have in possession is an old Honda Wave. The blanket was a mistake, but who from us never made some dangerous mistakes?
  13. Belongings needed to be moved by 10 people? They rented a mansion?
  14. I thought that google is available for all AN members. Okay, I can do that for you. Beside China, top 2 other Brics members are: 1. India with gdp of 3.3T. Prime Minister of India has attended the meeting. 2 Brazil with gdp of 2T. Prime Minister of Brazil has attended the meeting. The heads or first deputies of 28 states with total GDP more that NATO countries has visited isolated Putin.
  15. I was replying to the message about isolation. Isolated Putin has been visited in his country by the majority of economic power.

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