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  1. Duma is the place where some lawmakers are able to express their opinion. However there is no freedom of speech in Russia, so the opinion cannot be against general agenda. As for constitution CB is fully independent and this guy’s offer have no chance to pass constitution court to become a law. That’s why you see faces like these, because everyone understands that this is populism from one particular person. With 21% rate CB is not popular among any part of society, so publicly poking it will bring political points, it’s the only purpose of these words. Regrading freezing people’s assets, why CB should be even talking about it when they are able to print whatever amount of roubles they want? The freezing have a point from ministry of finance in case if they ran out of money. However fake-makers not bother themselves to learn how the budget works and give this “freezing” role to CB.
  2. Not reading Ukrainian blogs with fake rumours certainly would make you more comfortable
  3. Except other exports, Russia is #1 in the world in wheat export, and #1 in the world in fertilisers export This is obvious fake news. Except some Ukrainian blogs, you will not find it nowhere in official sources. Banking system works normally without any problems, CB never have offered or talked about such measures.
  4. There is a shift from this To this What happend?
  5. Yeah, they should be taking their car. Or just order their driver. Some people in the forum not realise that sometimes there is a life situation when you have to move with all family and all that you have in possession is an old Honda Wave. The blanket was a mistake, but who from us never made some dangerous mistakes?
  6. Belongings needed to be moved by 10 people? They rented a mansion?
  7. I thought that google is available for all AN members. Okay, I can do that for you. Beside China, top 2 other Brics members are: 1. India with gdp of 3.3T. Prime Minister of India has attended the meeting. 2 Brazil with gdp of 2T. Prime Minister of Brazil has attended the meeting. The heads or first deputies of 28 states with total GDP more that NATO countries has visited isolated Putin.
  8. I was replying to the message about isolation. Isolated Putin has been visited in his country by the majority of economic power.
  9. Those who is feasting do not realize yet that they are not the owners of the table anymore. The BRICS economies also account for an estimated 37.3% of global gross domestic product based on purchasing power parity. In 2023, NATO member countries accounted for 30.7% of the world's GDP
  10. The difference from Banana Republics is that Russia had a lot of reserves, surplus budget and almost no debt. With such resources CB can set any currency level that is comfortable to them. But instead of stable level they preferred constant depreciation of national currency. The reason of it is unknown to me. Now situation is other. CB trying their best to stop the depreciation to be uncontrolled. But their recourses are limited and supply of freely printed roubles is too big.
  11. I haven’t said that. The economy held pretty well against sanctions and colossal war spendings, but now freshly printed money started to leak to financial system, causing inflation and depreciation of rouble. The impulse is over and there is one way now, down. However strength of economy and population is pretty strong (especially if keep in mind inability to publicly express own opinion) and even with decline there will enough power to continue the war for years.
  12. You just not included collapse of the rouble in 2014. If include it and make it 12 years, 6 years and 3 years (to fully include war times) then the depreciation will look more smooth
  13. Of cause war affects the economy. Can’t be otherwise when 30% of the budget being spent on “defence”. But the steady decline of rouble was always the policy of Russian CB. You can check the rates before the war, and the rouble was declining with the similar speed. I don’t know why it was chosen as the policy, my guess is that it helps GDP growth and filing up the budget, and from another side big money will not hold funds in roubles anyway due to the lacking of capital protection rights in Russia.
  14. It takes about 30 seconds to check it. But better to “read”, right? Rouble lost 8% against the USD for the least year. https://www.xe.com/currencycharts/?from=USD&to=RUB

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