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  1. Cutting edge system blown up https://united24media.com/latest-news/powerful-explosion-at-russian-military-base-destroys-two-advanced-anti-drone-systems-5854
  2. Put ins a wanted man so he can’t go to the us for cosy chats with don
  3. The Nissan silence has a removable battery pack on a trolly so u just wheel it into your condo ,easy Peasy
  4. The problem for Lada is that, despite protectionist measures from the Russian government, russians not only won't buy Ladas but they actually have a huge amount of contempt for their domestic products. Russian comedians make jokes about Ladas in the same way Jasper Carrott used to make jokes about Skodas and even the new models have a reputation for being dreadful, especially the Kalina which failed an NCAP crash test in spectacular fashion. Ladas are now cheaper in Russia than foreign competitors, due largely to the recently imposed import tarifs. The russians I know would still rather buy a 5 year old VW than a new Lada for the same money. Actually they would rather have a 20 year old VW than a new Lada.
  5. Cumin also has good feedback
  6. I have 3d photos taken every year of the rear of my eyeballs and results say I am ok ,annually.
  7. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/health/other/dick-van-dyke-s-health-and-fitness-routine-at-99-as-he-prepares-for-100th-birthday/ar-AA1xOJSk?ocid=Aloha Dick Van Dyke's health and fitness routine at 99 as he prepares for 100th birthday
  8. BBC and sky reporters are I Moscow as well as other western reporters giving the latest info, to stifle Putin rubbish propaganda
  9. https://kyivindependent.com/russia-reactivates-special-economic-commission-to-monitor-struggling-industries
  10. The French are ripping out their vines due to less wine drinkers nationwide back in the 70s they were shocking alkys
  11. You can buy a knee pillow which is specially created for the use
  12. They can Barbeque the donkeys for a hot meal after delivery
  13. Must be noticeable to the population that everything is collapsing with Lada showrooms closed Dow n and wounded soldiers everywhere and food stuffs mega pricy and ruble buys diddlysquat ,they know they’re in the dodo for sure the oligarchs in their ivory towers don’t know and don’t care.as always they can’t even buy a lousy lada if they wanted one but no credit is available to buy a lada in any case
  14. https://londonlovesbusiness.com/not-only-are-russian-troops-led-by-donkeys-but-they-are-using-them-to-deliver-ammunition-to-the-front-line/ They’ve run out of vehicles so now using donkeys
  15. They need big rockets as they very old valves and washing machine parts

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