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Bill Dauterive

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  1. So when you quote about wages and i do you see no correlation. Ok. Maybe it's you.
  2. I am in contruction of houses mostly and i never paid these wages. Ever. They never asked me too. Amazing Thailand eh. It has been 250 for woman 300-350 for men and 500 for a 'specialist' for the last 15 yrs with us. Ridiculous. But i can not afford higher wages with the low prices the want to pay for the houses nowadays and the hard times getting mortgages.. It's way too many projects atm so yeah. Consider even stopping all together. Because between the low wages BUT the high prices of materials and the low prices of house. It is not worth the investment anymore. Can get bette R.O.I. if i do not emply anybody and move on to other biz. Sad but true. I want to pay them at least 1000 a day, that seems fair. But not possible . Jobs will be lost. I am better here when only taking care of myself. Make more money and take less risks. A bad balance.
  3. Mostly the rubber wears out before the tires are done with me haha. 5 yrs sounds ok..Rarely drive
  4. Factory garantees safety standards on them so yeah whatever. But then again i know people who still wear facemasks and take boosters lol. Do what suits you best i suggest. Don't deny the facts.
  5. all others still pay 300 to 350 construction pay more for specialist 500 , less for woman. 250.. Sorry it is what it is.
  6. Nope it isn;t , Still normal Isan wages....
  7. Simple economics. Pay more and they spent more. Keep al for yourself and lose potential. old as the bible.
  8. In need to know/see what i get before i can order. Quality is important...So i do not yet have a specific item in mind, haven't found a decent toyota seat cover yet..Lazada is not what i look for . Not the quality . Prices too high for something that resembles quality but is not. I do appreciate your respons. Thank you.
  9. What i said is true, what you said might be true also. But nah is false. Inside the grooves are little markers. THAT's where you tires are not garanteed to do what they ar supposed to do in regard to water .
  10. Bought a Toyota hilux in 2019. Now the turck is 3 yrs old i want to make it a littler cleaner and buy some carseat covers that fit well , are good quality and do not sweat , like most of the fake leather ones..... I find toyota sells virtually nothing as aftermarket goods and can not really find a website that does. Live in Isan so driving to Phuket or Pattaya is not done. Contacted the 4x4 shop in pattaya. Never got a respons....Any tips for hilux (Thai model ) aftermarket goods. ? Sure i can find maintenance products enough, but thats not what i am looking for...Thank you.
  11. Yes have SCB too. They had and will never again get my bussiness on an account. No need to explain further, I do not trust them. Only use it for petty cash.
  12. And how is that an answer to my question ? Good for you btw i am happy for you.
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