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Posts posted by whomever

  1. 11 hours ago, newnative said:

    t allows you to narrow your search to different neighborhoods and you can further narrow down the search by choosing studios, 1 bedroom, 2 bedroom, etc.

    thanks for all the good suggestions guys. lots to work with. can't wait to wander the city!


    11 hours ago, Sparktrader said:

    Bkk is expensive. Any reason for going there?

    urban wanderlust. never been.

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    On 10/24/2022 at 3:23 PM, davemos said:

    I used to do production  of limited fashion  here.. If you like I can  show you how?  

    Will DM you.


    16 hours ago, scorecard said:

    Part of the situation is that although nurses (and other) uniforms are a bit different they are commonly made therefore patterns already exist.


    Where I'm leading is that from your description you're lookig for a person/business that can innovate a pattern for something (garment) which is way outside of normal/standard/known patterns.


    A 'heads up'. Please be aware that creativity/innovation are not typical strengths here and the ROTE learning nature of Thai education impedes creativity and innovation.

    I take your point, and I know it's more involved work than most tailors are in the business of. I think the economics of the job are a big part of it. Even in New York tailors tend to be very good, very fast, very specialized, and incredibly cheap -- and you'd never expect them to entertain a design project. That said, I don't need anyone to innovate -- I have a pattern, and I have clear ideas of the work that it needs. And in the fashion design part of the cosmos, this is all routine work. So the question is more how do I find a fashion designer who works for-hire in a retail way, like tailors do.


    I've got to say that just talking about it is making me very excited to start pounding the pavement and just asking around. Soon soon!





  3. I'll be living in Thailand for a while (Bangkok mainly) and need to find someone to help with some complicated tailoring. But before you all tell me, no problem, there's tons of tailors, I have to say it's pretty involved. Honestly, 'tailoring' might not even be accurate. It's more like I need help creating a small fashion line. Here's the gist of it:


    I'm trying to make a couple jackets. One of them is quite a complicated design. I have extensive illustrations and also a pattern -- but it's not a final pattern. It has to be mocked up, then modified, then a new pattern made from it, then mocked up again for fit. I intend to make the final product out of an unusual industrial material, so that adds a little complexity. I'm bringing the material with me, but I have a finite supply so it's important to iterate on muslin before using the production material.


    So I'm wondering if anyone has any experience working on weird tailoring stuff -- more than just suits and dresses -- or thoughts on how I might look for someone. I expect to do quite a bit of leg work before finding the right person, so I'm definitely happy to follow leads that are more involved than simply a recommendation for a tailor. The latter I wouldn't even really trust.


    Feel free to ask for further info or DM me as you see fit..... And thanks for your thoughts ????


  4. Hi all! I'm coming to bangkok for the next several months (not sure exactly but looking like 2-4 months, definitely longer than airbnb) and so I plan to rent an apartment. I've never been before, so I plan to bop around and stay in different areas for the first several weeks. That way I have time to learn the city's neighborhoods and transit, and then I can look for a place once I'm acclimated. I've scouted about online and it seems there's plenty of short term rental inventory, so I'm confident I'll be able to find something. But as I said I haven't been there before and don't know how things are done on the ground. I'd love it if anyone had any tips or tricks, or leads on specific places (or other forums) to ask around. 


    Generally what I'm looking for: furnished flat, doesn't need to be huge, but big enough to hang out and work during the day, and with an extra bedroom for guests. Internet is mandatory, and I can only imagine AC is a reasonable thing to want. I'm fine with a minimal thai-style kitchen, and I hardly care about having modern luxuries like a pool and a gym. I mean, sure I'd use them -- But what would really make me happy is a more rustic building with vines growing on the balcony and nice light. Looking on the internet I didn't see much rustic charm -- the range was more like cheap hotels to fancy hotels. I'm not really someone who gets excited staying at the four seasons, and my own home is, well, quite homey -- lots of plants & art, like that. So that's what I honestly crave, but anyhow. It's obvious to me that the internet might not be very representative, since it's a tourist market and they are all basically hotels. But either way it suggests to me that older more lived-in properties might be harder for a non-local to find -- It might not even be worth it for me to care. I guess even luxury condos are less offensive than american airbnbs with all that walmart decor.... I'm just curious what I can get away with wanting. Thoughts?


    Apologies if this is the wrong forum for this -- the real estate forum seemed more for people building stuff and I didn't see a better place to put this. 

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