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  1. Take it you have a link to the official announcement.
  2. I got the senior fare several times when In BKK a couple of weeks ago. Just asked at the counter and nothing said.
  3. When people make enquires about Wise they should clarify what they are trying to do and where. Regulations vary from country to country and can be subject to change. I had to provide photo ID to open my account in the UK, it is a card bearing account rather than just money transfer. An article I noticed recently. https://wise.com/help/articles/2932335/guide-to-thb-transfers
  4. My wife had a good job but when her father died in 2013 she decided to retire about a year later. He had been looking after his grandaughter who was still at school and the immediate solution was that her sister who lived in Bangkok came home during the week, returning home at the weekends, She had a hair dressing business that she just shut down, she sold up and moved to the family home. With not much to do during the day the pair of them set up a voluntary refuge for unwanted cats and for the last 7 to 8 years have had about 60 inmates. No income, only outgoings, but as you say self respect and Bhudda brownie points.
  5. "Bangkok’s cumulative risk score stood at 53.34, driven significantly by crime and health security concerns," Should have read "driven signiicantly by the views of misinformed foreigners."
  6. I believe over 30 million people participated in the last digital wallet scheme, those that didn't have a smartphone, or didn't want to use a smartphone were given a card to show to the vendor. Not that complicated, the vast majority were more than happy to use their phone, we now pay the price of previous initiatives in supermarket queues.
  7. You are perfectly free to believe there has never been any previous digital wallet schemes. Just because you have never participated doesn't mean they haven't existed, or been successful. I think there has been 4 previous schemes, each one being more successful than the previous. Only the ignorant falangs think this is something new.
  8. Thai Immigration do no such thing, they refer to them as the Ban Laem and Ban Pakkard Border Check Points, because they both use the same stamp. I am sure I used to see a building near the traffic lights on the 317 that also said "Immigration". I think Pong Nam Ron is the only jurisdiction that has 2 land borders.
  9. Struck me as being a bit like a storyline from the TV political drama series "Scandal".
  10. I can only assume you are of the opinion loan sharks are a species unique to Thailand. Time to broaden your horizons.
  11. It is always a matter of opinion whether concept of implication is wrong or not, but certainly not up to anyone on this forum, moderator or otherwise, to pass judgement. On the basis that the majority of visas become "used" on entry with people being granted visa status, it is perfectly acceptable in the English language for the word "status" to become implied. Non native speakers may find it unacceptable but you are not going to teach old English dogs new tricks. When someone makes a post, wouldn't it be better to try and understand the context or ask for clarification, than to start picking holes in what has been said. The terminology brigade on this forum was wiped out some years ago and the last thing we need is a resurrection.
  12. You are wrong to respond in such a manner. The poster plans to extend his visa status which will be based on the visa used to enter the country.
  13. There never really was a replacement for the one on 2nd Road. Went in the Walking Street one a couple of times but once was enough for Pattaya Tai.
  14. And you obviously have difficulty understanding English.
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