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  1. I would estimate over half of the Brits who drink in Pattaya drive.
  2. The Brit and the German were not marrying these girls. They were paying to expolit them.
  3. If they can not tell the differennce then they should be locked up anyway.
  4. The drivers work for a pittance and usually do not own the tuk tuk.
  5. Brits complain the loudwst about foreigners in Britain, even when those foreigners are not even complaing. But when the shoe is on the other foot, well they complain some more.
  6. How did I know I would find the Chief Brit Apologist here. Brits just cant take critisism. The juvenile is the idiot youtuber who wants to show up to a country and slag of the people and the culture to get youtube likes and who cries when he gets asked to pull his head in. Instaead of constantly whining why doesnt he just leave.
  7. It might be time for all the whining whinging Brits to go back home. I am glad the police have warned him to pull his head in. Showing up here uninvited and he wants to make money on youtube complaining about his hosts, Thais hate whiners and it is a sign of a weak personality to them. And a big part of the reason I like living here so much. The worst part about living here is all these Brits who constantly complain about everyone and everything. Many simply do not have the ability to say anything positive about anyone. They dont fit in here. He has been warned and looks like he might have accepted that he was in the wrong and the Thais are not interested in his krap. But i dout it will have a long term effect on him. Leapards dont change their spots.
  8. Too busy tomorrow. I will be out searching for the missus again.
  9. If it had of been me I dont think I would have restrained myself as well as the young Thai gentleman did. I would have driven off dragging tough boy along the road. Patient people these Thais.
  10. You do realise that the Brit has been arrested and in custody for a committing a violent crime? And the tuk tuk driver hasnt been arrested for anything and will be joining his family for dinner. And you are trying to spin this into what exactly because i havent joined your chorus of blaming the tuk tuk driver who was just working trying to make a living
  11. You are a bit off topic. It is about another violent Brit and is all over the Thai news. It isnt hatred, it is the news. Thankfully the Thai police apprehended the thug and we are now all safer. Locked up safely in a prison cell. Despite what you might think, this is not the way to behave as a guest in a foreign country. Not so tough now is the punk?
  12. Er, hanging out in the bars you probably didnt see them. I had a much different experience. Got a link?
  13. So basically give them a bit like Gaza. But without the bombing of kids, women and all their stuff. Are you an Israeli?
  14. Why do think this is the case and where does this discrimination stem from?

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