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  1. Still beating that dead horse... your reading and comprehension skills match your illiterate jumbled writing skills I see.
  2. As you on the liberal left clamor continually to "lynch the orange man"... hypocrite
  3. Yes... I do tell the truth... you cannot rewrite history just because you want to... Oh wait... you are a democrat so it's ok
  4. You cannot unwrite history... she whored her way through the ranks in the democratic party... fact
  5. So what... rule the masses because of one non-performer... are you a democrat???
  6. Let's eliminate all personal responsibility... oh wait... that's being done.
  7. So I should take advice from you... an even more obscure nobody with a closed mind... right... changed my vote right there.
  8. As it does in almost the entire world... in fact... please name one country that it doesn't
  9. Ahhh... yes, I know... pick your favorite... How does England's literacy compare with other countries? | National Literacy Trust
  10. Do you really believe that... especially after reading one of tug's posts??? The Literacy Crisis in the U.S. is Deeply Concerning—and Totally Preventable - The Education Trust (edtrust.org)
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