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Everything posted by Huahinexpat83

  1. @JBChiangRai I see your points. I have to say I've been an incredibly diligent and respectful renter for more than 3 years. I've never been a short-term renter, much to my frustration(!), I'm trying to get out of this cycle. Here's the thing, we had a contract to August 2023, the owner got an offer on the house, we were 'forced' to move (not legally, but, morally). Consider that my wife was 37 weeks pregnant when we found this out. We did the 'right' thing, we moved, putting up even more deposits on a new place at a time when money was incredibly tight, then this happens. Scuffing walls aside, it does happen... and no it doesn't require a full room repaint (come on, lol), it is very clear to me that there is zero intention to pay the deposit. You may be right about not being able to afford it, but it's wrong, and it frustrates me and many others to no end. Perhaps we'd all be better off with a landlord such as yourself, but I still get the feeling that deposits are just there as a convenient way to pay for the owner responsibility of general maintenance and readiness for new tenants. If renting a place is an investment, then the deposit shouldn't be factored into it. Frankly, it's disgusting how some are treated. Sounds like you're a better one.
  2. Hi, all. Thank you for all of the advice. I just went ahead and advance paid what we had used until we moved out. I knew that I couldn't accept myself being that person. I used it, I should pay for it. I'm left with hoping I'll be treated fairly down the line, but not holding my breath.
  3. Hi everyone. No surprises, but things are going south with getting my deposit back. Been here long enough to expect it, however, my question is that now I’ve left, and I’m being told not to expect any of my (significant) deposit back (for example, scuff on the wall now requires the entire room to be repainted etc etc), I’m left with the option to not pay the upcoming utility bills. Note, I’ve already vacated the house and it’s been checked and keys handed back over. The next bill is coming on the 15th. I was in the house until Oct 29. My question is, is this ok to do (legally)? Not if it’s the right thing to do… trust me, I know it’s best to pay what has been used. But, it’s my only way to recover any kind of money from this debacle. thank you in advance!
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