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Non Immigrant

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  • Birthday April 1

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  1. How?! Like when they ignore you at a crosswalk? Or when the drive through the crosswalk while you are on it? Or when you are crossing at the green man and they turn left round the corner and almost hit you. Lol
  2. What's the debate about then? Doesn't the law factor into it? Are are you just trying to ignore a logical point and a decent argument?
  3. Pretty much. If it ain't, we don't need to comply. It's called "freedom"
  4. Are you in a bubble or something? There's no covid restrictions anymore
  5. I thought we didn't legally need to wear masks in public places now. In private establishments, that's different. House rules.
  6. Christ, just leave her...........don't strangle her.
  7. Maybe they didn't have masks on them. The rest of the world no longer uses them.
  8. What are you on about?? It's a hotel, in one of the most developed countries in Asia, a few years ago. Those woman have jobs. If they are from upcountry, they have homes, lands, and vehicles. Thailand has a good, free healthcare system. It ain't like they left a bottle of drinking water in a village somewhere in Sub-Saharan Africa. And they didn't take 40 baht for a noodle soup. They took over 100,000 baht. Those women are just common thieves. No surprise they applied for such a job in the first place.
  9. Don't try to excuse them. Poor? They've likely each got a million baht in farmland upcountry and a house, likely have a higher net worth than most farang English teachers here. Stealing is a vice for some people. Some people like booze, women, drugs, others like to take what isn't theirs. For others, they get their buzz from playing the wealthy philanthropist when they come to places like Thailand. The white knight syndrome is strong in you, I see. Be honest, you are just excusing them because they are Thai. You'd never excuse a cleaner in your home country. Stealing, scamming, and being dishonest is really ingrained here.
  10. Out of interest, what did you guys do for work before coming to Thailand?
  11. Bottles, may a year or so ago. Probably just a covid special.
  12. I was in Doll House on Cowboy not that long ago and it was 80. They were naked inside too. No hassle for drinks, either.
  13. The pecking order on the social ladder matters a lot here; they don't just treat everyone with respect, which is a more common Western thing. As farang we can expect to experience a whole range if respect and disrespect, simply cos of how we look.
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