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  1. Yes we should all be dressed properly in a tailor made dress and necktie. This police wanted as usual a small amount with contribution to The Royal Thai Police.
  2. The Taxi / MC taxi / Tuk-Tuk mafia in Phuket is getting worse every year, how will this crime syndicate survive when here is no more tourists to scam or extortion money? Will they just move to another tourist destination in Thailand? Shame on the thai Police who is payed to look the other way.
  3. I have bought all my kitchen applications from Lazada and Shopee, there you can read review from other byers and the price is mush cheaper than Home Pro, Big C, Lotus and other shopping centers.
  4. I was thinking the same, anger issues, overweight, high blood pressure, bullied at school and later by work colleges, short temper and the list just go on.
  5. Sounds like you have some anger management issues. Time to get professional help maybe?
  6. How many times have I heard this: "If you don't like Thailand's visa regulation you are free to leave". Don't try to find any other ways to stay long time online or in any Thai forum. "Just go home if you not like the immigration rules here". Not everybody can just leave Thailand, we (company) own a house, car, motorbike, girlfriend and dogs. Leaving or going elsewhere is not an option, and immigration officers are aware of this problem, that's why they every year make it more difficult for us to stay long time.
  7. This thai "lady" is never going to get married if her parents don't stop pretending they are from a rich high class thai family. Send her back to the bar and maybe she have better luck with the next "boyfriend".
  8. Why is it that the husband brought a knife in this meeting? Was the plan to kill the owner and defend his action with "loss of face"? Maybe he believed his wife was raped or insulted by the Australian? We will probably never get all the facts in this story only speculation from all the Thaivisa desktop detectives (or even better: The bar stool detectives)
  9. Stop being nice and helpful to Thai employees by borrow them money etc., they are not your friend or family. If he hadn't borrowed her money in the first place he would still be alive today.
  10. This is ridiculous, more corruption money to BIB during Songkran. Thailand getting worse with rules and regulations every year, when is this going to stop?
  11. Sad to see that a Danish man behave like this and for 70,-THB. Normally they are polite and friendly people, this must be a bad apple. Too bad they didn't have a surveillance camera who shows what was really happening. (I don't trust some Thai's who want to rip off tourists)
  12. A well filled brown envelope will solve all his problems, next story please.
  13. Is there any apples left that is not rotten? I have never met anybody so far in my 30 years living in LOS. I always get this line at the immigration when applying for 1 year visa : "Your paperwork is not complete Mr. Falang, but I kan help you". I guess most of you guys have heard this before.
  14. Thailand is the only country in the world who have a 90 days report policy. (I did a google search) I believe it's made to get more money from foreigners who forget to report, especially older people with alzheimer or bad memory. If a foreigner staying in the Kingdom over 90 days without notifying the immigration bureau or notifying the immigration bureau later than the set period, a fine of 2,000 Baht will be collected. If a foreigner who did not make the notification of staying over 90 days is arrested, he will be fined 4,000.
  15. An inactive post without corruption and brown envelopes, how will they survive?
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