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Everything posted by stament

  1. I provided 3 months bank statements and a bank certificate including photocopying my savings bank account which from 2022 onwards (as it doesn't have many transactions) which showed my balance not dipping below the required amount. I was shocked when the officer said they wanted photocopies of every page in the book dating back to 2019! Last year I didn't encounter this issue. Seems like extra tea money for the photocopying shop behind perhaps? On another note, they don't accept children's ID as ID, you need to submit their birth certificates. Perhaps because the passport doesn't state the parents is the reason.
  2. ???? don't think so based on my wealth and income. Perhaps my GSOH? ????????
  3. I do wonder the same thing myself but from a different perspective. How has she out up with me for so long! ????
  4. Sorry I am confused....what should I have learnt exactly? Appreciate the positive feedback.
  5. Wondered if anyone has any experience with the helicopter ceiling fans. Are they safe? My wife is a bit worried about having one and prefers to have the other type of fan. I understand her worries because if it does come off it could potentially kill someone with those metal blades! Secondly, how about the effectiveness of both types? Thanks in advance.
  6. so 3 days after the concrete is dry we can paint with the special paint right @sometimewoodworker?
  7. It was stated in The Bangkok Post
  8. I read it here. https://www.bangkokpost.com/business/2465185/private-sector-lukewarm-on-stimulus
  9. I heard that you can claim tax allowances for certain appliances or household improvements. Does anyone know the criteria and what items are allowable? Thanks in advance.
  10. What is it like on the other settings? What speed do you normally run it on? Is it the Mistsubishi fan?
  11. Appreciate the explanation @Muhendis
  12. The polish finish is a liquid like a varnish you mean or do you mean polish after applying the semi gloss acrylic? @Muhendis
  13. I don't want to have tiles on the inside of my cement units, I would prefer a smooth finish. So, I was wondering if I could just paint the insides white? If so do I need to apply anything to the concrete before I paint it? Secondly, can I use a gloss paint and lastly what can I seal the paint with? Is there some sort of waterproof sealant that would make the cupboards easy to wipe down? Thanks in advance.
  14. Will the airflow go round the L shape if the Aircon is placed at the top of the L shape pointing towards the bottom of the L if you get my drift...???? What will happen when it hits the far wall?
  15. I understand that the normal suggested waiting time to cure concrete is 28 days. I wonder do they follow this in Thailand? We are having concrete kitchen units built and my wife wants the insides painted white not tiled white as most people do. I think if sealed properly it should be easier to clean. Do we need to wait 28 days or is there some solvent that can be applied to speed up the process? I am pretty sure the builder won't wait 28 days...
  16. I was thinking one of those small plastic units for the lounge which are about 2.5 to 3k.
  17. Do these make much of a difference? I've seen a few small ones. How much water do they need to take out of the air to make a noticeable difference?
  18. We are having a hood above the gas hob to extract the smoke and smells. I didn't think about the fan circulating the smells, good point.
  19. Thanks @UWEBWe have a gas hob, would it be okay to use on a lower setting if the fan was slightly behind where the person is cooking say 60cm from the edge of the counter do you think? Which fan do you have the 56 inch helicopter type fan? Do they work well in conjunction with the Aircon? As regards installing I saw a thread whereby they have a steel plate attached to the cement blocks which is concealed above the gipsum ceiling.
  20. I've read a few articles that say it's beneficial to use a celing fan when using aircon as it means you don't need the aircon on as low so it saves electricity. I was wondering where should the fan be positioned with regards to the aircon in terms of distance. I was thinking of buying the mitsubuishi 56 inch ceiling fan. However, some articles I have read say that ceiling fans aren't very beneficial when used on their own and in fact floor and wall fans work better. Secondly, would a ceiling fan be beneficial placed above the cooking area? Any members have any experiences and recommendations? Thanks in advance
  21. Looks good but is it 600mm deep as it looks a little narrow.
  22. Just wondering how much concrete kitchen units cost to be made roughly and what materials are best to use, i.e. concrete blocks, bricks, etc. Are the concrete shelves done with concrete and supporting metal strips like the tall poles to make them strong? Interested to hear feedback and tips from other TV members who have had cement kitchen units built. Thanks in advance.
  23. So far we have 2 votes for 18k from @OneMoreFarangand @eisfeld Others haven't been specific in size recommendations. Any others care to choose?
  24. So you mean go for what size?
  25. Would that mean 18k is the max and the choice?
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