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Everything posted by Chigur

  1. The ground realities are sinking in in Kiev. But it's a bit late to beg for peace. The 500k army Russia amassed around Ukraine isn't going to say, "You want to quit the fight? Ok, we'll go home then and leave things the way they are. Don't you mess around again or we'll be back." No, they have a beating coming there way. They'll be lucky if Surovikin stops short of Odessa. Otherwise, the only way to the Black Sea will be by bus first to Romania.
  2. Who knows this exchange might inspire the poor fellow and years from now this vid will go viral as PM of 2022 serves current PM.
  3. Serious question: Is it legal to have sex on a condo balcony? High floor so nothing to see from the street. From high rises in the vicinity maybe, especially with a telephoto lens.
  4. I wouldn't go near a self-driving car. I've worked in the field. Yes, vision is 360 but there are edge case scenarios a car may see that AI can't interpret but a (sober) human can. The lawyers on the team make more than the designers when it comes to autonomous vehicles.
  5. Now you are blathering. Let's call this off. I am not going to spend Friday night with heybruce:-) As much as I am sure you don't want to spend it with chigur. We'll joust again on another thread. Good night to you, sir.
  6. I like that:-) Quoting an American think tank to endorse the American pov. Ok, I'll play. Let's say Gorbachev said what he did. But who was running Russia in 2007? Putin. And he drew the line that Georgia and Ukraine are off-limits to Nato as far as he was concerned. So that's the reality to deal with. The man running the country with the nuclear buttons under his table declares what he sees as a threat to his country's security. Take him for his word. Don't and you get what happened in Georgia in 2008 and Ukraine now. Oh, and I would like to point out we have done exactly the same in reaction to perceived threats to our security, i.e., invade a sovereign nation: see Iraq for a recent example.
  7. Ah, they say patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel. Permit me to paraphrase. Accusation of being pro-Russian is the last refuge of the halfwit with no real argument.
  8. Right, let's get back to topic. All those who don't think Joe is all there say "aye". Those that do recite the alphabet backward to prove you are below the legal limit.
  9. Dang, the thread was so much fun when we were on topic, Joe and Jill. But now it's all gloomy about famine and racism and Nazis. Shoot.
  10. It was caused by Churchill insisting that ships carrying grain bound for Kolkata be diverted, denying appeals from the Viceroy that they were urgently needed. He asked "if shortages are so bad why was Gandhi still alive?". Despicable man.
  11. A Jewish person who toes the Banderite line - I told you the man's still a comic. But, seriously, whatever his antecedents, his is a party that idolizes Bandera. But as I've said before the man's riding a tiger he can't get off. I don't know what his personal views are but the people whose bidding he's doing are a nasty lot.
  12. Read about the Great Bengal Famine and what Churchill did to cause it and what he said about Indian people.
  13. Makes sense. Churchill was a racist who despised "dirty brown people" while Zelensky is in the thrall of white supremacist anti-Semitic Banderites.
  14. That last part is comedy gold right there.
  15. I understand you hate him. But from Wikipedia: "The Trump Organization is a group of about 500 business entities of which Donald Trump is the sole or principal owner. ... The Trump Organization, through its various constituent companies and partnerships, has or has had interests in real estate development, investing, brokerage, sales and marketing, and property management." Give the man some credit. Plus he's going to be our next Prez.
  16. Oh, come now, you are being willfully partisan. Trump ran a billion dollar company and Reagan was Gov. of CA before being POTUS. As for Zelensky his career before the presidency was all comedy. Some would say it still is.
  17. You do know that the current "great world leader" was a TV comic. I do agree with your second assertion. Man's done a lot and was great VP. But he's way past his sell-by date.
  18. You got me there. Man was a charmer though. All those vids of him telling funny stories. He and Bush II had that "Hey, let's have a beer together" vibe. Joe's a cutout. There's nothing there.
  19. Lovably senile goofballs always get one term. It's in the constitution. We'll wave goodbye with tears in our eyes as Jill leads him away Jan. 20, 2025. Still I am curious to see what emerges from the Hunter Biden investigations to start with the new Congress. Man's a sleazeball hall of famer. Banging his brother's widow before the poor fellow's corpse was cold, jeez. And if, as they say, the tree is never far from the apple, we may find out that the lovable goofball has been up to some no good himself. Ukraine, Burisma, China, I can't imagine the MSM/State nexus suppressing it all though they'll give it a shot.
  20. This is great news. T1 and T2 were terrific and then the studios gave the franchise to other directors and T3 on were 'orrible. In fact, there was a YT vid of Cameron saying about T3 that he was "just a fan like everybody else and had nothing to do with making the movie." You could see what he meant.
  21. Bush's approval rating start of the Iraq war was +80%. People rally around wartime leaders. As they should. But this doesn't mean much. I stand by my assertion that he's a stooge.
  22. OP, as you will be dealing with Thai Imm on your way out suggest you contact Chaengwattana asap to have them look at your PP and determine if it's not too damaged to be IDed in order to retrieve your data from their system. You might want to call them and ask first what to do. I called one of these numbers (don't remember which) few months ago and was helped in excellent English: Phone: 02-1419889 Hotline: 1178
  23. You evidently assume Zelensky is in charge. He is in charge of nothing. He is a pawn running a proxy war on behalf of Nato/US. And a bunch of shady Ukrainian oligarchs and arms merchants, who are getting fabulously rich off the money flowing in, are propping him up. If he goes off script he's dead. I don't envy the man. Is he personally enriching himself? I hope so. He deserves a life of quiet luxury in Monaco after the government falls.
  24. And then he added in a low voice "As long as you keep sending money" and then he started to giggle.
  25. The little man in a green shirt is on a ride he can't get off. Start talking peace and the oligarchs and arms dealers making billions from this war will line him up against a wall. At least if there was independent media in Ukraine they could give him cover. But he banned them months ago. Man's in a hole he dug himself. Happens all the time to TV comics who become president.
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