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Peter W

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  1. Thanks for the link. It is excellent, and contains some information that is not in the link in my OP. What a terrible job Google did. Even worse than Google's performance regarding the Bangkok Phil article, which Google did eventually show me, because Google did not show me *ever*. I deserve much harsher words than yours. I think I was partly motivated by the idea of getting as much value out of the old passport as possible by using it as long as possible. Ridiculous. I hope I am a little wiser now.
  2. Could you please explain what the last sentence means? Google says "VE" means "value engineering", but I don't suppose that's what you meant. Sorry for my ignorance.
  3. I don't necessarily want to travel while waiting for my new passport, but I thought it might be useful if it was allowed. For example, and I am just speculating, if a country near Thailand (the UK is rather far), Malaysia, say, allowed me to travel into it using my old passport, shortly before it expired, and was known to be more lenient with an Englishman who's passport expires soon after crossing the border, I could wait in a stress-free manner in that country until my passport was ready for being picked up at VFS in Bangkok, without paying the large overstay penalties/fees that I would (I speculate) likely get (or not?) in Thailand. Or if that is not allowed, maybe flying to the UK just before my passport expires, in the event that my passport has not arrived at Bangkok, would be a good idea, if not forbidden by the VHS/UK rules. Just a thought by a cretinous procrastinator who should know better by now.
  4. My UK passport and my Non-B based stay permit will both expire on 8 April 2024. What should I do? Or, if you prefer, what are my options? I am also supposed to "notify my address again" on 25 March 2024. I live in south Thailand. I just found out that allegedly it can take 11 (eleven) weeks for a UK passport to be renewed (processing time) at VFS in the Trendy Office Building in Bangkok. Also, it seems that international travel is prohibited during the time the application for the renewal of the passport is being processed. What happens if my new passport is not ready by 8 April 2024? And what are the odds of that? I see now that I am a procrastinating idiot, and this is a case of "haste makes waste". I would greatly appreciate any advice or insight that anyone can give me. I have only a UK passport. I'm an English teacher at a language centre in Thailand. I have a work permit and I am, I think (my employer, who is Thai, would be authoritative about details like this), still on a "Non B" visa from several years ago, having once a year, for several years now, had my stay permit renewed (or extended or whatever the right term is) with my employer's help. My employer is very helpful and flexible, by the way. I have read (it took a long time for me to find it - Google is not promoting it, it seems) the excellent https://www.ajarn.com/blogs/bangkok-phil/renewing-a-uk-passport-in-bangkok together with some of the attached comments, so I think I know about the procedure at VFS in Trendy Building, although not every possible situation is covered by the article, and certainly not my situation. Thank you in advance for your thoughts.
  5. I've got a packet of Aro from Makro and I want to eat the oats without cooking them, but it says on the front of the packet "Professional quality", and on the back it says, "Use for cooking" and "Cook well". I don't want to get a food-borne disease, but I really want to eat them without cooking them. There's no website on the packet either.
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