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ignore it

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  1. Democratic misinformation campaign alert.
  2. Couple of points here. 1. Boomers seems to be derived from the term " Post War Baby Boom" So the guys came home, got laid and knocked girls up and as it happens babies are born. So technically this boom began after World War 2 and lasted as long you can guess, but I'd say until the next generation. 2. Transistors, lazers, fiber optics, integrated circuits , Kevlar, night vision goggles, and Disco were derived from materials collected from the Roswell ufo crash and later Rap music too.
  3. Is the guy with the mean puppies who runs them on a beach somewhere? Maybe just the same name.
  4. FREE HOLIDAY IN THAILAND !!! Want a free trip to BEAUTIFUL THAILAND? We are looking for a few blokes who want to go to Thailand ALL EXPENSES PAID. and YOU CAN WIN MONEY TOO ! Sun, beer, girls, beer, fabulous food, beer, beautiful beaches, beer. Enter your name now. Prizes are subject to availability Winners may be asked to bring a few kilos of baggage back with them.
  5. Always carry a small mirror when walking in ladyboy territory. If threatened, show them the mirror. A flash image of themselves in the mirror causes them to immediately begin primping and you can make your escape ( Common wisdom)
  6. OMG The Indians are paying 6k for short time now?
  7. Dumb and dumber cashing in on his brother's dumb self inflicted death for his own moment of media victimization.
  8. Yeah, Its ok with me. Go ahead knock yourself out.
  9. Does Britain have something comparable to USAID? Kinda think this isn't a Thai initiative.
  10. Catfished and ripped off! the perils of life in the cyber age
  11. Bummer... Not the kind of "snatch" I usually click for.
  12. Raises a lot of questions about the relationship, but at this stage of the drama, how is it now your problem?
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