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ignore it

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  1. As the video clearly shows, NEVER WEAR FLIP FLOPS TO A PUNCH UP!
  2. Hey Show some respect. Back in 2001 she was Montel Williams side piece.
  3. “If a Thai person hit a foreigner, they would be hunted down and punished.” Unable to fact check this statement. The fact checkers have split a gut laughing.
  4. Thanks Pres. Bush, for the US$ 2,000,000,000,000. of treasure spent on the war in Afganistan. It could have been wasted on roads and bridges. Thanks Joe for leaving US$ 7,000,000,000 worth of stuff for the Taliban. It could have been sent to Ukraine. Sincerely, Lockheed Martin, Boeing, General Dynamics, Raytheon Technologies, Northrop Grumman, Oshkosh Corporation, and the families of the 2,461 U.S. military personnel killed in action, the 3,800 U.S. contractors killed and the 20,000 wounded.
  5. Hmm. My post mysteriously got abbreviated.. Here's mising bit: Trump has also been preparing in a more practical way by going to wine bars and arguing with drunk middle aged women.
  6. Both presidential candidates are prepping for the big debate. Harris has been practicing with extended mock debates, with a focus on policy and an effort to draw a contrast with the former president. A former aide to Hillary Clinton, who played Trump in the mock 2016 debate prep with Clinton, is playing Trump, with a source saying the aide is even dressing like Trump. Harris has also been practicing on a stage with lights to recreate the debate environment. Trump, on the other hand is taking a more practical approach. He has been going to wine bars and arguing with drunk middle age women.
  7. practicing with extended mock debates, with a focus on policy and an effort to draw a contrast with the former president. A former aide to Hillary Clinton, who played Trump in the mock 2016 debate prep with Clinton, is playing Trump, with a source saying the aide is even dressing like Trump. Harris has also been practicing on a stage with lights to recreate the debate environment, a
  8. Crashed and unfortunately not burned. I liked the theatrical tumble after the "accidental" crash.
  9. Just curious, If she's your girlfriend why is she going to stay in a hotel for the first few days?
  10. "the man...also sexually harassed female customers by staring at them." If this is the new "woke" standard, Let me know when culture goes back to sleep.
  11. ah hem... Satire: the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues.
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