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ignore it

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  1. Consulting chatGPT I asked if this was plausible Reply a bit longish, but... Chat reply: Yes, it's plausible, though it would be an unusual and severe case. Here’s why: 1. Tonsillitis Complications – While tonsillitis itself is usually a mild infection, it can sometimes lead to serious complications, such as: Peritonsillar abscess (Quinsy): A collection of pus near the tonsils that can cause swelling, difficulty swallowing, and severe pain. If untreated, it can spread. Lemierre’s Syndrome: A rare but life-threatening infection where bacteria spread from the throat into the bloodstream, often leading to abscesses in the neck and sepsis. Necrotizing Fasciitis: In very rare cases, bacterial infections can spread aggressively, destroying tissue and causing deep wounds. 2. Geographic Factor – In India and Thailand, bacterial infections (especially drug-resistant ones) are more common due to environmental factors, healthcare access issues, and high humidity, which can worsen infections. 3. Possible Explanation for the Wound – If Pamela's infection wasn’t treated in time, it could have led to: An abscess bursting externally. A surgical incision to drain an abscess. Severe soft tissue infection causing skin necrosis. If you’re writing a story, this scenario works, especially if Pamela delayed seeking treatment or had an underlying condition that worsened her infection. or perhaps a Gofundme appeal?
  2. I am Spartacus. Err... I am Bob
  3. Please just stay in your lane Roger.
  4. Hamas leadership (what's left of it) considered offering it's help, but currently finds itself occupied.
  5. Yeah, Don't take it personally. I think there's chronic sad/confused person, generaLLy a pathetic poster, and i think it's a cry out for help. I take them as a "sign of life" indicating that he has either returned from England or sobered up enough to open his computer, On a good day he occasionaLLy wiLL spew out a post quoting a prior post. Very rarely posting original thoughts, as he has none. I worry when one of my quips doesn't get one.
  6. Good news Less drunks driving Bad news Fights on trains Good news Free entertaining fights Bad news More barf in the bog.
  7. Matheus is a bassist (bass guitar). Yeah, You can play or practice all you want, but no ticket, no can take money.
  8. You go girl. A Journey to loose 250 kilos, begins with a truck ride and can end on a bicycle.
  9. Nothing to see up there anyway, so must just be the thrill of the hunt. And ain't most wearing black or white Lycra shorts worn under skirts are sometimes called "safety shorts" or "modesty shorts" nowadays?
  10. Putting aside all talk of dirty laundry, I've found that a good moan from a woman pulls my trigger. Esp doggie style.
  11. Yeah, your right. There's a lot to like there. Oohrah! Go Heg!
  12. Your concern has been read. So your a Pete Hegseth kind of guy too. Oohrah!

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