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Posts posted by cmjl

  1. The problem with Thailand,as with a lot of countries now,is the ever increasing use of fast food restaurants,fizzy drinks and idleness caused by an addiction to the smart phone,too much food and not enough exercise is generally the cause of weight gain. 


    Dairy fats are a lot better for you than manufactured fats and cows milk is better for you and the environment than the likes of Almond 'milk'.



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  2. Presumably he didn't have travel insurance to cover getting him back to Wales,if he was 'footloose and fancy free' the chances are he didn't think about the future in which case he wouldn't have a will either,his death will have come as a nasty shock to his family and friends and they possibly won't be thinking sensibly ie have him cremated and take the ashes back to the UK.


    RIP and condolences to his family

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  3. 2 hours ago, Bday Prang said:

    Handled what? the knife gang ? find them arrest them and bring them before the courts

    Or were you referring to the grammar pedant arguing the toss about the definition of proactive?  in his case I think an official warning would be in order, followed by deportation of course

    Personally I think a 10pm curfew for under 18's should be the norm

    8pm would be better

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  4. I receive my polling card,in with it are all the instructions for voting as well as accepted forms of ID,those who drive and have a plastic driving licence,a blue badge,a passport,a bus pass and if you don't have any photo ID you can apply for a free voter document, so where is the problem?


    A certain person seems to like being argumentative😀

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  5. 8 hours ago, RuamRudy said:


    They do - you either choose not to accept it or you can't see the connection between the UK government's Better Together campaign and... the UK government.

    We can all look for links to give us the answer we want including you,the barnett formula should mean that the people of Scotland are better off than the English so why aren't they?The amount of people dying from misuse of drugs in Scotland is the highest in Europe per head of population.The SNP have been in power for 17 years and those that have been in power should hang their heads in shame,they have failed the people,the schools and the hospitals on a fanatical,flawed ideal.



  6. It seems as though the UK police force/farce haven't got leaders with backbones,their so called leaders prefer to go for easy targets and for some reason best known to themselves prefer to side with law breakers rather than enforce the law,those police that do their job properly get disillusioned when the useless CPS then decide to drop cases for what seems to be trivial reasons.

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