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Posts posted by cmjl

  1. The hypocrisy of people who are demonstrating for various causes(cults)often beggars belief,they have their rose coloured spectacles on and have 'ticked the box' which seems,in their eyes ,to justify every irresponsible act,reckless prank and malicious vandalism that they get up to,if these people can't see that their actions have consequences they deserve everything that happens to them and if that includes losing their jobs so be it.

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  2. 15 hours ago, bigupandchill said:

    Diesel is up there among the worst pollutants - it disperses slowly in air and is highly toxic. Putting the price up to reduce it's use would help, but would also increase inflation.

    I was told that the particulates from petrol vehicles are finer so go further into the lungs than diesel particulates but why just blame diesel vehicles,the whole of Thailand is one huge mass of pollution especially in the North and until those in charge make it their business to enforce burning and emission laws nothing will change.

  3. 21 hours ago, rwill said:

    My neighbor gets paid 500 baht per cow to stick his hand inside of them for artificial insemination.  He took me with him one time to see what he does.  First he would stick his hand inside the bung hole to clean it out.  Would get to about elbow depth.  I'm not sure why he had to do that but it said it made the insemination work better.

    A biology/artificial insemination lesson! You forgot to add that after sticking his arm up the rectum he would then introduce into the vulva a hollow metal rod with a straw of semen in the end and the tube then covered with a plastic sleeve,the right hand helps guide the rod through the cervix and when it's through the plunger in the tube is pushed in which then sends the semen into the fallopian tubes after which you hope that the animal becomes pregnant - I know,not very satisfying for the female!

  4. 1 hour ago, candide said:

    Despite what Trump and Fox News are claiming,  statistics are showing a declining crime trend in the U.S.


    Violent crime is dropping fast in the U.S. — even if Americans don't believe it

    https://www.npr.org/2024/02/12/1229891045/police-crime-baltimore-san-francisco-minneapolis-murder-statistics#:~:text=In cities big and small,own analysis of public data.


    Crime in America is down, rudely interfering with GOP narrative that it's out of control




    There are lies,damn lies and statistics,politicians are trying to tell everyone that crime is down(just like unemployment),if crime isn't reported the numbers go down,numbers are always fiddled to suit the agenda of the ruling party.

    • Haha 2
  5. As far as I'm aware,the Oct 7th atrocities were the worst massacre of Jews since Hitler's regime,it seems to me that as Hamas have decided that all Jews must die they are in the same bracket as Hitlers lot. Those who are defending Hamas should ask themselves how they would feel if their children had been at that music festival on Oct. 7th and had been raped and mutilated.


    Having said that 'two wrongs do not make a right' BUT that needs give and take on both sides and at the moment it's not likely to happen.



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  6. 40 minutes ago, steevjee said:

    Witch hunt ...  LOL  The bloke is full on CORRUPT and has no idea of how to run a country, Biden is admittedly too old but at least he has political know how, Trump is seen as a complete clown by 90% of the outside world but you Yanks are so Xenophobic you just cant see it, either way you'll get a dud but Biden is by far the better dud.

    But who is pulling Biden's strings because you can bet your bottom dollar that Biden is the puppet.

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