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Lorenzo Valla

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  1. We'll look for you on the field. You'll be shown no quarter.
  2. Stick to commenting on those subjects that you either know about, or are directed to you. In this case, neither situation applies.
  3. The fact that you don't understand the difference between a law passed by Congress and signed by President, and a judicial opinion is fairly startling. Yes, it was correct that a previous SCOTUS opinion supported the right to an abortion. Judicial opinions are not laws and they can, and often are, overturned. As this one, unfortunately was. If in the last 50 years a Congress passed a law protecting a woman's ability to get an abortion, it would take precedence over all over states' restrictions and no one would be trying to place 9 judges' opinions over the will of the people.
  4. All speech is free, but apparently some speech is more free.
  5. As free and sentient beings we are all entitled to our own opinions, thoughts and for that matter, identities. Others having the same basis, as free and sentient beings, do NOT have to accept, 'celebrate', approve or agree with you, as they may have a different opinion, thought or identity. If you're a degenerate or a hoarder or an angry old man or a sanctimonious virtue signaler....you're free to be what you want to be. I don't have to 'celebrate' your choice.
  6. I am personally 100% in favor of a woman's complete right to their reproductive system, period. That said, there is no 'right' to abortion in the US. There are state laws that permit it and for nearly 50 years there was a judicial opinion allowing it. The latest Supreme Court opinion pushed it back to the states. If the Democratic Party was such a staunch supporter of women's right to an abortion, why didn't they manage to pass a national law legalizing it for 50 years? FYI, that's all that's needed...then and now.
  7. Demonstrably false. According to the National Conference on State Legislatures, there are 4,021 Republican legislators and 3,273 Democratic. 46% of US states have both houses and the governorship controlled by Republicans. Democrats have 29%. The others are divided. https://www.ncsl.org/about-state-legislatures/state-partisan-composition For the Woke, democracy is a threat to 'democracy'.
  8. The non-racist here to stereotype black people and claim to speak for them. Is there nothing the savior-guardians can't do?
  9. All speech is free, but some speech is more free than others.
  10. The savior/guardian's stamp of approval! If you say something I agree with....yay, 1st Amendment! If I disagree with something you say...'commercial decision' to cancel you. The same 'commercial decisions' have resulted in Fox News dominating the American media market. (An unfortunate fact that I wish weren't true.)
  11. It's perfectly ok to criticize Mr. Dilbert's nonsense, but it's also ok to not really care what a middling comic says about anything. It's just his OPINION. It's sort of like learning what a nutjob Tom Cruise is...but somehow I still like his movies. It's always a joy to read how much the savior/guardians value their own knowledge and how their judgments indicate a superiority in any and all conclusions. Rasmussen would not be my go-to source for survey information or polls, but your cancellation of them because they're 'right-wing' is just another example of self-proclaimed intellectual superiority. NO ONE is paying you a penny for your opinions about anything. Rasmussen has a quite few people paying for theirs. It's a fascinating insight into your mind that you can correctly see Mao's/CCP's fanatical self-righteousness, but not your own. Hence, the comparison.
  12. If a right-wing nut uses a stereotype to support an argument, they're a racist. If a savior/guardian uses it, no problem ???? Being Jewish refers to the religion you practice, not your race.
  13. An incredibly uninformed attempt at history. White European involvement in slavery was a terrible and unfortunate aspect of our history that continues to reverberate to this day. Nearly EVERY OTHER major society and civilization in HISTORY practiced slavery, some up until the 20th century. (Where's the woke mob to pile on these countries?) It's a terrible chapter of for all of humanity to understand under present day circumstances.
  14. I'm bookmarking this with the flat-earthers that post on here....haha! Take a spin through the Nazi party's treatment of the Jews...did you miss that in your 'school'? Or the intentional starvation of millions of Ukrainians during Stalin's regime?
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