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Sawasdee Bee Mai

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Everything posted by Sawasdee Bee Mai

  1. The guy from Southampton you mean,that had stolen someone else’s boiler room from them? Karma at its absolute finest!
  2. Or your girlfriend?
  3. DEET is banned in Europe you may as well use Agent Orange on your skin to ward off mozzies?
  4. The mozzie machines that you plug into the wall with a reservoir of anti-mozzie liquid always work very well for me?
  5. In Thai it was probably the verb “Non” which means to lie down,actually Thai people tend to use it instead of sleep anyway probably to pretend they are not asleep?
  6. Looks like the only thing missing from the story is the Hi-So wife he met in Robinson’s?
  7. But what if one of you is wrong?
  8. 'The foreigner hit the horns and started banging on my car. I caught up with him towards the forest area and I stopped the vehicle.' Why do Farangs insist on doing this in a foreign country,provoking the locals will only end in tears? It reminds me of the video of that Aussie muppet the old geezer getting punched in the face by a Thai guy whilst picking his daughter up from school? Everyone was berating the Thai guy until it turns out beforehand the Aussie halfwit had literally attacked the poor Thai guy’s car with a machete,he was probably very lucky that Thai guy wasn’t carrying or it may have ended tragically the same as here?
  9. You agree with yourself? ????
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