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About Beat666

  • Birthday 07/06/1966

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    Nakhon Sawan

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  1. We also have great weapons of mass destruction. The original Swiss Army Knive, including a toothpick and a corkscrew😜
  2. That`s why do not fool around with Thais
  3. It has been sent to Mr. Keir Starmer🤣
  4. According to a news article from Switzerland, https://www.blick.ch/ausland/vorwurf-des-kindesmissbrauchs-schweizer-67-in-thailand-verhaftet-id20604902.html 2 Swiss guys have been arrested. The one picture is identical to the post here, showing a guy sitting on the bed. I wonder now if there is a mix up with the nationalities and names or are this 4 different cases?
  5. Chinese men are in front of 7-11 or having a nap at the beach with newly acquainted friends from India.🤣
  6. I am Swiss and my opinion is this. These crazy Swiss stories are always about Swiss expats, who residing for years in Thailand. And all of these idiots think they are somehow important and have such an ego, that they think, they can do what they want. You never read incidents like this from Swiss tourists. Only from Swiss expats. Alright then, I am going back to my Fondue and enjoy Ganja, inhaling with the help of an alphorn😃
  7. Fully agree.👍 Here in Switzerland, criminals and illegal immigrants just laughing at the police, when they get arrested. Why? They can expect a nice cell with TV, etc. Below a picture of a prison cell in Zurich . They are well taken care of, meals prepared as to there wishes, free therapies, paid work, etc. Stay out of troubles in Thailand, guys. It has been like that since my first trip to Thailand in the 90`s and it will prevail like that even in the future, if not harsher.
  8. He is not even a Swiss.
  9. Manoutcher Kamel Kamai is NOT a Swiss name. It is a Persian / Arab name. Don`t blame all Swiss men only because of the one Swiss idiot you are referring to. Cheers!
  10. Soon to bee seen on Banged Up Abroad, I guess
  11. @martand Why should I care for these drug smugglers. Every adult person knows not to do so. But it still happens. So who is wrong about that? Me, because I do not care? Read this story: https://thethaiger.com/news/phuket/B30mn-coke-bust-Phuket-Airport Was he from Kenya? No. Did I care even though he was a good friend of mine? No. Did his family, to whom I spoke personally care? No. Why not? Because nobody would agree to such a stupid idea. I even told him not to do so. Did he listen? No. How it will end was clear from the beginning. So again, why should I care? I have my own life, I make my own decisions, I care about people, but I just do not care for drug mules. And because I think like that, it does not mean nobody cares about me. Why? Because I don`t do stupid actions like this. Kenyan or not.
  12. @spermwhale: Thailand is not Kenya. By the way, why should I feel pity for drug mules? It has nothing to do with hate.
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