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About Beat666

  • Birthday 07/06/1966

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    Nakhon Sawan

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    Nakhon Sawan

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  1. @martand Why should I care for these drug smugglers. Every adult person knows not to do so. But it still happens. So who is wrong about that? Me, because I do not care? Read this story: https://thethaiger.com/news/phuket/B30mn-coke-bust-Phuket-Airport Was he from Kenya? No. Did I care even though he was a good friend of mine? No. Did his family, to whom I spoke personally care? No. Why not? Because nobody would agree to such a stupid idea. I even told him not to do so. Did he listen? No. How it will end was clear from the beginning. So again, why should I care? I have my own life, I make my own decisions, I care about people, but I just do not care for drug mules. And because I think like that, it does not mean nobody cares about me. Why? Because I don`t do stupid actions like this. Kenyan or not.
  2. @spermwhale: Thailand is not Kenya. By the way, why should I feel pity for drug mules? It has nothing to do with hate.
  3. Of course he is an important person. That`s John Malkovich!!????????
  4. Correct. But as he is a fellow countryman of mine, I suggest, he might use the ring also as nose piercing for one of his cow`s at home.
  5. Banged up abroad will surely give him 45 Minutes to tell his story.
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