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Everything posted by ketilnm

  1. You joking right? Left the poor animal to die?
  2. I just wanted to stay for holiday. You sound like a thai IO ????
  3. Thanks for your answer. Yes, 2 land border entries per year, but when i did the extension in immigration in Jomtien, the English guy, who work for a visa company next to immigration, who took my photo copys, say that becouse i did the visa run's so close too the end of the year, they may not allow me another 45 days visa exempt.. Also last time at Ban Pakkard, the IO women, say that this is the last time i can do this, why, i dont know, becouse she think i will try to do another run in 2022?, not sure. But she did not speak much english, and when i said i can extend this exempt at immigration, she did not know what i was talking about, and have to get a male IO to explain, and he said i could offcorse extend at immigration. He did tho ask me why i stayd in Thailand so long. I stay in Pattaya, so the Laos border is far from me..
  4. Norwegian passport holder, came in january 2022 on a turist visa, then did the extension 30 days at immigration. After that i did the 2 month covid extension, 3 times. Now i have done 2 visa bounce to Cambodia, both of them have i also extended at immigration. All of this was in 2022 and my extension on the last border bounce run out on february number 3. Since it's a new year, i plan to do the border bounce to Cambodia again (Ban Pakkard) in february. So my question is, will this be a problem now? Will the IO start to ask me why i stayed over a year without a proper visa? Sorry for my english, it's not my first language. And thanks for this great forum, alot of knowledge here.
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