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Everything posted by liana3legend

  1. I didn't buy it. It is an inheritance.
  2. Thanks! I thought so, too.
  3. I have a leasehold resort villa, and the leasehold contract expires in 11 years. The current housing market is not very much to my favor, and my realtor proposed to rent the villa for 3-5 years. The questions are: 1. Sell the property short and move on; 2. Rent the place and wait till the market picks up. The issue here is that if I rent my place for a long period of time, and the leasehold contract due is near, I won't have enough money to renew it. In the meantime, potential buyers won't be interested in buying a property that requires to add additional costs. 19 years ago, the leasehold contract was almost 9 million THB, and I wonder how much it will be in 11 years later from now. Please advise. Thanks in advance!
  4. I've lived in Phuket for over 10 years. If I were you who is new to this place, I would consider rent a place first. After I got familiar with the areas, then maybe I'll decide what to do (buying or renting). On the other hand, if you insist on buying a property immediately, I recommend you get a reputable hotel resort. Since you plan to spend only 6 months of a year in Phuket, when you are not around, the hotel staff can do the cleaning and maintenance for you.
  5. Thanks a MILLION! Your additional inputs are very very kind and thoughtful.
  6. Thanks for your kind words! My thoughts were "If I have to pay a fine for overstaying, I want to know how much...."
  7. Got it! Thanks! I just need more money to travel.
  8. Thanks for adding! Very much appreciated. I can start accumulating the transfer data as of this month (or next month). If the time period is still not enough, I just leave Thailand once again before I have gotten all the required data.
  9. Thanks a million! Just got back from the immigration office, and I was informed that I could stay in Thailand before my visa expires. After I have left however, I should obtain a non-O, and the rest is exactly what you have described ... 800,000 ....
  10. Thanks a bunch! But in order to have money in the bank account, I need time to arrange all the other matters first, i.e. file a court rearing to execute my husband's Thai will. According to my attorney, it will take at least 3 months. Consequently, I thought as long as my visa expires in September, I could take my time. I was wrong.
  11. I knew about 800,000, but I didn't know about 65,000 a month. Thanks a lot!
  12. My visa ends in September. Who can determine my legal rights to stay in Thailand? Is this a legal matter?
  13. I am 56. My visa ends in September.
  14. I am an American, who is using a non-immigrant visa (dependent of a retiree who passed away several days ago) for over 10 years now. In several months, I have to apply for a new one. Any ideas, please? Thanks a lot!
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