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  1. excuse typos
  2. I am on a Non-O visa, and have been doing my 90 day reports no problem visiting Chiang Ma immigration and going to teh little window, they looked at and typed into the computer printe dme out aofficial form, and that was it - nothing mentioned about the TM30. However, I used the online system for my last 90-day report & it was rejected, and it said my TM30 was wrong , but this TM30 location was from before I did the previous 90-day reports when nothing was mentioned? I have the printed officially stamped paper from my previous personal visit to approve my 90 day report. I am now forced to go to immigration to try to find out what is going on? My question is the TM30 still required if you are on a Non-O visa, and nothing was mentioned the previous 3 times you went to get your 90 day report done? I am very confused currently as to what is required?
  3. In Russia it is the Russian Orthodox church - equally extreme as evangelical protestant christianity
  4. Evangelical Christianity wants the same power over women in the USA and other countries such as Russia
  5. Indeed. Given there is now a sexual predator to be the President again in USA. And the so-called Christians want repression of women in the USA through men controlling women and what they decide about their own bodies. Irony indeed.
  6. You, obviously, have limited understanding. The choice was clear citizens of the USA have made a choice, I believe they will regret.
  7. The price of electing Trump will be very high. It will be too late for regrets for those who voted for Trump. The suffering will be great.
  8. Wonder if recognition system will recognise non-Thais?
  9. Is there not a certain politician who knows quite a lot about watches?
  10. It is not Glasgow with clouds 10 months of the year, with half that being rain. I can have a quality of life (not achievable in UK) on a far smaller amount of money. Health is far better due to warmer temperatures, a greatly reduced number of colds, coughs, sore throat and general aches & pains due to aging.
  11. Bad scientists do this. Need to be aware of who the scientists work for. Science knowledge can be analysed statistically. Experiments can be repeated, if the data comes up that shows the same thing then all well & good with the theory. If the data comes back with knowledge that disagrees with the prevailing main theory then questions need to be asked about the theory and how it describes the 'reality' that experiment investigated .
  12. I think Maersk is looking at that to cut fuel usage for shipping
  13. Very scary, does not need sea level rise to be much to have severe economic impacts.

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