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  1. Co-operatives, stakeholder capitalism better than shareholder capitalism?
  2. Reorganisation probably sensible. The question how the military will view this. Is it truly to increase efficiency & save costs? There is plenty of money in Thailand for everything & everybody if they tackle the endemic corruption, I would suspect.
  3. Indeed, my mother and father were by no definition in favour of being liberal as regards how their sons, my brother & myself, turned out as regards orientation. Yet, both of us are gay. If sexuality was a learned behaviour it is likely there would only be heterosexual females & heterosexual males.
  4. Research should focus on understanding sexuality as a fascinating phenomemon of evolutionary interest.
  5. Highly likely there is a genetic component but the likelihood is it is also polygenic. Both my brother & myself are gay.
  6. Many genes will be involved in sexuality in general. Due to the taboo nature of such research there has not been so much research &/or funding on it as other aspects of human physiology & behaviour. Very few things in genetics are one gene = one effect
  7. This article has certainly enraged the bigots
  8. This will apply to any form of sexuality
  9. The answer he gave gives you a giant clue.
  10. Good bread should not have sugar in it.
  11. excuse typos
  12. I am on a Non-O visa, and have been doing my 90 day reports no problem visiting Chiang Ma immigration and going to teh little window, they looked at and typed into the computer printe dme out aofficial form, and that was it - nothing mentioned about the TM30. However, I used the online system for my last 90-day report & it was rejected, and it said my TM30 was wrong , but this TM30 location was from before I did the previous 90-day reports when nothing was mentioned? I have the printed officially stamped paper from my previous personal visit to approve my 90 day report. I am now forced to go to immigration to try to find out what is going on? My question is the TM30 still required if you are on a Non-O visa, and nothing was mentioned the previous 3 times you went to get your 90 day report done? I am very confused currently as to what is required?
  13. In Russia it is the Russian Orthodox church - equally extreme as evangelical protestant christianity
  14. Evangelical Christianity wants the same power over women in the USA and other countries such as Russia

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