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S Mart

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Everything posted by S Mart

  1. Hey FlyingTiger are you a FTL World Way West hired type? Just checking. I’m also former FTL. Hired class of 78. Living part time in Hua Hin. Drop a line if so.
  2. Attn: Mr Bob Smith: please read: Mr Anutin is the ultimate adjudicator under the 1979 Immigration Act. It would appear as most farangs don’t know or keep up on Thai Law but merely make foolish statements that make the rest of us look bad in the public’s eye like the beast that defecated in a public shrine recently this is the act of someone of the lowest standards in life. It is embarrassing to see the quality of farang that wonder about Thailand. Appearing at for example the 90 day check dressed poorly and smelling bad. This is an opportunity to try and impress the immigration people that we have some form of proper conduct than just continuing to act as sub human barbarians with a very low moral character. Yes I know many of you will wildly comment on this but after doing so take a good look in the mirror and honestly ask your self if you’re happy with what you see. I for 1 don’t blame Thai people for disliking Whites with the quality they portray to the Thai people which is poor at best. As for the Swiss man he should spend time in jail to think about his horrible barbaric actions.
  3. I’m sorry but any man that beats up any woman such as this Swiss #2 Coward did should be publicly horse whipped and sent back to Switzerland ASAP. What a worthless human this derelict is. Anyone that defends this coward is cut from the same cloth. Go with him good riddance.
  4. The Thais that act in such a manner is also very regrettable I agree but it’s their country and their land we’re visiting and perhaps Bums like the “Swiss Kicker” and also another Swiss Brawler who beat up a Thai Lady in the grocery store. Causes other XPats to be so disliked. If I come to your home I should act polite and the same should be expected of us in others. We are in fact guests like it or not. So please act accordingly.
  5. Good Riddance guys like this ruin it for the rest of us trying to build a peaceful life here in Thailand. Any man that kicks any woman child or human deserves nothing but the worst. Throw the Bum out. permanently is my vote.
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