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About IndomitableSpirit

  • Birthday 06/04/1984

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  1. Has anyone here encountered not being able to click on "title" to modify their booking info? I can't choose seat and other services if the title won't open. Any advice or suggestions would be gratefully appreciated.🙏🏻
  2. As a woman, I feel for her. I was pretty messed up at that age too, went over the "take a risk" line...way over! My parents trusted me but I effed it up, just lucky to have my family fishing me out every time. I hope her family helps her and not just saying those words, she badly needs fishing out! She still has many chances to restart her life for the better. Use that beauty and any skill/talent in good use and not something that would cause her deeper mental health issues in the future.
  3. It was a bad idea reading this while sipping on a straw.🤣🤣
  4. Does this mean I have to store away my Bingo game? I still need to win back 50 bht I lost from my sister!
  5. You posted so much, yet your reading comprehension went passed over your head. But I won't argue further as you are probably in my father's or grandfather's age.
  6. I like cashless payment, but I still carry around some cash just in case. It's because I went out one time with totally no cash, not even coins then when I was about to pay my data was acting up!It was quite embarrassing.🥴
  7. As a woman, it is hurtful to be called what you are not even if your country screams what they are accusing you of. I don't think even prostitutes would want to be called out loud that way in public, when they are not at work. Oth, what do you expect from many Chinese? They disrespect Thais in Thailand, what more when you are in their turf!
  8. I kind of feel bad for him. I hope we were given a bit of his background or what led to him being in this state. I'm not in Thailand atm or I would have just bought it for him. I don't have grandparents anymore and I miss them so much.🥺 Maybe that man just really needed help.
  9. What's up with these youngsters killing the elderly! It's happening globally. I think this is truly the children of the corn generation.
  10. His ears were probably clapping when he passed all the processes in the Thai airport. In his mind, he one-upped the Thai authorities and even thinking they are dumb. Little did he know, he's a Darwin awardee the moment he stepped in the airport.🤗🏆
  11. At the end of the day, the Americans must choose the lesser evil who they deem is better for their economy and the lives of regular people.
  12. How much does he charge for those with saggy and wrinkled ones?🤷🏻‍♀️😂
  13. After following the Jay Slater story, few more British lads gone missing. They were also vacationing in another country.🙁
  14. Hahaha did the belt make your teeth straight?😆😉😁
  15. I know a lot of Thai women do it for fashion but it's not like that in my case. My lower teeth is bugging me, and before it becomes worse I want to get it fixed.😭
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