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  1. So you were renting a place for the bank, honestly you BTL lot have destroyed home ownership for the young in the UK. The fact you can only make BTL work when interest rates are at zero percent, thanks to the BOE printing money to buy Uk bonds, tells me you're not really cut out for the world of business. I bet you'd have been made bankrupt in 2008/9, if it wasnt for bank bailouts, ZIRP and printy print, yet lack the wit to realise you've been having a free handout at the expense of savers and future taxpayers. But yes i do hope you buy some BTL's in Pattaya, maybe then for the first time in your life you'll find out what a "free market" actually is.
  2. Golden Bar used to be my favourite circa 2003, went there for months and never set foot into Nana Plaza, wasn't until my birthday that the girls from there took me in and I realised it was full of agogo bars, best place for people watching on earth back then ... Seem to remember it being 50/60bht a beer when it was 70bht ish to the pound. Crime against humanity when they turned it into a Hooters, and put the price of beer up to 150bht and the pound down to 45/50 baht.
  3. Would anyone marry a lady from their own country, if the felt they were getting scammed by her and the family from day 1. FFS why are middle aged people getting married anyway, its not as if they are a pair of virgins about to set off on the voyage of life together. FFFFS Why would a western man who invariably has some wealth to be able to move to Thailand, want to risk his financial stability for an Isaan granny, no doubt extracted from a bar.
  4. Yes its hash. Todays weed is modified, hence its stronger. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6312155/ I could do buckets all day long back in the day, 2 drags on a modern day weed spliff and its game over for me.
  5. Weed is bad for the respiratory system, its smoking a cigarette without a filter, my respiratory system isnt the best all these years later from doing too many buckets say 1/8th solids with half a cigarette, was never a big spliff smoker. Yes alcohol causes more problems than any other drug .. but its been part of human culture in most the planet for all of recorded history ... so can't go in for a comparison with cannabis, which in the western world is a relatively new phenomenon, i.e 150 years or so, and only circa 50 years has it become widespread Personally i'd like to see ecstasy legalised, as it gets people out the house, exercising, happy and friendly ... weed just turns people into a boring bstrds!
  6. I used to be a heavy cannabis smoker, when it was solids back in the late 80 and 90s ... started smoking it aged 14. Seen the damage it does to people i.e. 2 now with schizophrenia ... so its not harmless, and that was solids which is nowhere near as strong as modern day weed. Now i'm al for decriminalising, as people want to get high for whatever reason, they always have and always will. But Thailand has seem to have gone from one extreme to the other, with winkers walking around with spliffs everywhere. Decriminalise it for indoors whether that be in the home or an airconditioned room, so the majority of people who dont smoke it, or want to see it ... dont have to! I work in Holland from time to time, and when smoking was still allowed on trains, some Brit thought it clever to light up a spliff ... Within an instant a Cloggy put the ignorant fool in his place.
  7. The decline has got very rapid since Covid. As for foodbanks, they're not needed ... but more people have no shame these days, and will do whats necessary to get their 5000 calories each day. Poorest people are those on an average wage, with kids and renting. i.e. those who are paying for the lazy fks of this nation to sit around doing nothing and search for the nearest foodbank. Like your comment about "I would rather live in a 'developing country' than a declining one", but i don't see Thailand developing in a way akin to Singapore or Poland, where the lives of the masses has genuinely got better. Thailand still seems like it wants to be backward, with corrupt police, reckless drivers and an ever growing gap between the rich and the workers.
  8. Meant EU.
  9. Statistically speaking, Russians drink far more than Brits/Aussies/Septics. Id rather not be around ageing North American/ European wh ore mongers, who think they're a cut above!
  10. Russia has vast supplies of oil and gas it has the intelligence to get out the ground, as opposed to follow what the demented Swedish says. Russia 10 - 0 UK/Europe Russia still has slim women 11 - 0 UK/Europe Russia is not intent on destroying its society and culture with mass immigration of feral Africans and unskilled Muslims, that rely on predominantly white males to subsidise their existence via social security system. Seems UK/Europe has lost to a cesspit like Russia!
  11. <deleted> to your shame on you, i've never hit a female ... though in certain circumstances such as i say above then in my view its perfectly fine .. sometimes you have to fight fire with fire, and if these men hitting women know they'll get a smack in the mouth from someone much stronger then they'll be far less likely to do so in the first place. And its not easy for the male "to walk away", when they're paying for the house, kids etc... and they themselves will end up homeless.
  12. Not good, i watched a mates bird kick and punch him in the face when he fell asleep on the settee. A man should never hit a lady ... but thats not the actions of a lady; if he got up and knocked her into next week, she would have deserved it. The lad killed himself aged 48 the other year.
  13. Ive seen 2 of my male friends ex partners batter them, if they knocked them clean out the women would have deserved it. Its not the 1930s anymore when women were gentile and feminine.
  14. Take it you never bothered to read the article Additionally, an employer faced charges for hiring a worker without a legal work permit
  15. All those single accidents add up to 20,000 people dying per annum, what if you're the innocent bystander and a bike/car with someone driving like a fool or drunk hits you, does the govt have to do anything about preventing this? I live in England which is a police state, with govt financially raping working people, so i'm no fan of big govt and endless govt intervention, but sometimes govt intervention is needed and many things need to be done to drastically reduce those numbers, as it has done for years. Numbers of deaths/injuries dropped in the UK when wearing seatbelts became compulsory, hardly a drastic measure, and the attituded towards drink driving changed thanks to state sponsored advertising, an activity most drinkers participated in either frequently or now and again.
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