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Everything posted by pp00

  1. Slow takeover of Thailand by Chinese government and its representants. Do not forget, where Chinese police gets rights to patrol they will soon set up Chinese police jails (within Thailand) and the logical step is that they will look for by China wanted Chinese and by China wanted other Nationals and let them disappear in these secret police jails on Thai soil. All this exists already in many countries, secret Chinese police jails in UK, Slovenia, Croatia, Italy and many oyher countries already exist with and without approval of these governments! Do we need more of that? How many tourists will still come to Thailand for holidays when Thailand becomes complicit it disregarding human rights? Do not give XiJinPing such a huge gift to let him legally operate his police beyond China's borders!
  2. Who the f** cares what a handfull of Danish travel agency customers are saying? Is that meaninful for who? Best destination outside of Europe for some Danish? Great. So TAT can be proud. Are there new numbers out? How many Danish are expected for 2024?
  3. Needs complain on social media to investigate why it is warm and find the broken chiller? Is that how is works? What morons.
  4. Now they pay the price for 75 years of oppression inflicted on the Palestinian People. I hope it is only a first downpayment. Roadmap to peace went nowhere all over those years because nothing but mock negotiations to buy time and keep status quo as long as possible while occupying more and more 'new territories' for Knesset members to build their new homes ....
  5. Great. Show us that you are still a military dictatorship. We need more of you to feel safe. Lawless and corrupt country thinks it can make people feel safe by displaying their lawless and corrupt police even more. The problem is deeper rooted. Reform justice system and reform the entire lawenforcement system. Reliably working clean police that you can trust is what tourists need to feel safe. But we know, that will never ever happen in Thailand. Only window dressing. Big show for the news media. ...
  6. Only in Thailand. The law in itself is a crime but it's Thailand
  7. Thailand is not a failed state??? It's ok to not like the US but you are talking about supercorrupt Thailand and its moron leaders...what is 3. world Thailand of not a failed state???
  8. Not sure you undestand the problem. You need to deposit 800000 baht for your 1 year visa. They will tax that. So after a few months that money is gone. Then you need to pay in again. And it gets taxes again...
  9. Do not hope for that. Thailand never cared for such details and never cared about thing beyond their borders. Good bye Thailand
  10. Anoutin just start at your home with yourself.
  11. Isn't it sick? Thais buy a sub without engine and have no functioning agreement about receiving an engine. Now they need to go around and ask? wtf? Thai morons want the big face but mess up the big deal with beloved Chinese big brothers. MTU should not be allowed to export military equipment to indirectly support Chinese enemies, nor to support Thailand militarily. Maybe they put the hightech German engine in and then the deal gets surprize surprize cancelled and the sub goes back to China ofc with German engine.... won't be surprized if this is the plan ...
  12. Thai government has stolen people's pension during covid. Remember? Maybe they should repay that before they go kiss and hug Chinese. They need a sub for what? To make big brother China happy??
  13. I hope my country will not be too much impressed by the Thai's call and let these morons go dive without engine... Do not support China doing business. Why is China unwilling to provide the engine? Military secret? Germany should jump in instead? Maybe Thailand needs to switch to aerospace instead of deepwaters. Put Somchai on the Mars please.
  14. Oh <deleted>. Now they have to fall him again .. unfinished business..
  15. What a bd way to do. You give 5 stars so that place accumulates lots of 5 stars.... is that what you want?
  16. I don' t fully get this. Why should a CO2 fire extinguisher explode if there is CO2 in it? Thrown directly into the flames and got too hot or what BS did they actually do?
  17. Comeon he wanted love not money. It's a misunderstanding in the endlesaly corrupt country of miaunderstandings...
  18. Yeah very important to get out all wellpayig foreigners that keep Thailand alive. As long as this country does not care about law and order and especially not among the county's officials, there is no credibility behind anything Thai police is doing against law breaking foreigners...
  19. First of all,why is there a video footage of te massage? Then if it prooves innocence, why is that footage suddenly deleted? Again a Thai misunderstanding, helpless attempt to keep up the reputation of a corrupt county with a disfuncinal judicial system strongly based on all sorts of excusing misunderstandings...when foreigners compain...it looks like there are two ways to go, it can be a (heavily paid) misunderstanding or it can be a severe crime in case you can't pay off the police.
  20. Look what they did in Laos...not different. Taken over half of the country and thrown out all Lao people..
  21. Now Chinese believe they can do everything... can even fly...
  22. The desire to blame foreigners for anything in Thailand is a built-in feature of Thai character. "Built in" thru school education and media. I have never heard of Thais thanking foreigners for development aid. For investing in their corrupt country despite disregard and hostility against them. Where would you, mostly low educated Thai people be if foreigners would not support you with their wallets? Did you already forget what your Chinese big brother has done to damage your economy. Did you see where Thailand is after yearslong lockdown with onlu a few foreigners within the country? Your economy is damaged beyond repair. Who you need agaIn? Foreigners of course. Learn to understand and respect them. They are not lower than dogs and cats in your society. They are those who keep your economy alive. Educate yourself before you dare to judge and disrespect foreigners. In many cases you are so much lower than those who you disrespect! Come in our countries we treat you like humans with equal rights, opportunities, social benefits and equal fees and charges, we do not do doublepricing. Learn from us!
  23. No such thing in Thailand. Any murderer can come out after a few years... Money opens jail doors too.
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